• 《海洋奇缘》第2章

    22-12-21 Moana walked to the beach and waddled around, enjoying the feel of the sand between her toes. She gazed out at the ocean, its playful waves rolling back and forth, breaking farther out in the distance on the reef that surrounded her island of Motunu...

  • build up a head of steam 蓄势待发,初见成效

    22-11-28 旧时,蒸汽机在启动后需要先 build up a head of steam(蓄足蒸汽压力) 才能全力运转。如今,这个表达用来比喻 某事或人开始成功,尤其指 一个人或一项活动积攒了足够的能量、人气或支持,从而促使某事的发生。 例句 The new advertising campaign is building up a h...

  • One Hundred Years of Solitude 百年孤独 Chapter 6

    22-10-17 COLONEL AURELIANO BUENDA organized thirty--two armed uprisings and he lost them all. He had seventeen male children by seventeen different women and they were exterminated one after the other on a single night before the oldest one had reached the a...

  • “上头”怎么用英语表示呢

    22-09-20 1 be strongly obsessed with 这个词组意为疯狂迷上;十分着迷于,表达十分浓烈的迷恋,be fascinated by、be crazy about以及have a crush on都有此含义,可以替换使用。 例句: He was strongly obsessed with reading. 他疯狂地迷上了阅读。 2 on the spur of the m...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 25

    22-09-14 When I got outside, it was just getting light out. It was pretty cold, too, but it felt good because I was sweating so much. I didnt know where the hell to go. I didnt want to go to another hotel and spend all Phoebes dough. So finally all I did was...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 22

    22-09-14 When I came back, she had the pillow off her head all right--I knew she would--but she still wouldnt look at me, even though she was laying on her back and all. When I came around the side of the bed and sat down again, she turned her crazy face the...

  • 《魔发奇缘》第12章

    22-09-07 As Mother Gothel tore through the forest searching for Rapunzel, Flynn and Rapunzel were still searching for a place to eat. Ah, there it is! Flynn exclaimed at last. The Snuggly Duckling! Rapunzel stared at the little tavern. It looked interesting....

  • 《魔发奇缘》第10章

    22-09-07 This is incredible! Rapunzel said as she and Flynn walked deeper into the forest. But then she remembered how her mother would feel if she knew shed disobeyed her. Rapunzel shook her head. Mother would be so furious. She looked at Flynn and said, Bu...

  • 22-08-04 1. Take a guess 单说Take a guess,英文里就是让别人来猜猜看。你也可以把它用在你的回答中,表示只是一种猜测,别太当真就好。 例:If I had to take a guess, Id say shes 30. 如果一定让我猜的话,我觉得她得有30岁了。 2. At a guess 人家一开口,你听到了at a gu...

  • 跟身体有关的形象表达 下

    22-08-03 off the top of your head Off the top of ones head是说一个人对某件事没有准确的信息,只是根据自己脑子里的大概记忆或猜测来发表意见。当我们没有经过仔细的思考或求证,很快的回答对方的问话之前,可以用上这个表达。可以根据语境翻译成不假思索地、立刻想到地、我...