• 霍乱在海地迅速蔓延

    10-11-12 Cholera is spreading quickly in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince, as the death toll rises across the quake-hit country. 霍乱在海地首都太子港迅速蔓延,导致这个地震受灾国家死亡人数迅速上升。 More than 80 people have died in the last 24 hours acro...

  • 发展中国家应警惕肥胖的蔓延

    10-11-11 Developing countries should act now to head off their own obesity epidemic, says a global policy group. 一个全球决策组织称,发展中国家应立即采取行动阻止肥胖流行病的蔓延。 The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) says obesity...

  • 海地首都爆发霍乱

    10-11-10 The health ministry in Port-au-Prince has confirmed that the country's cholera outbreak has reached the Haitian capital. 海地卫生部证实,首都太子港已经爆发霍乱疫情。 Doctors are treating 73 people for the disease, amid fears that it could spread acr...

  • 带病上班损失的生产力是旷工的三倍

    10-11-10 Some scholars estimate that presenteeism(出勤) , a relatively recent buzzword(流行词) that applies to people who are less productive at work because of health issues, costs employers as much as three times the dollar amount as absenteeism(旷工...

  • 海地爆发霍乱 死亡500多人

    10-11-07 The death toll from the current cholera epidemic in Haiti has exceeded 500, the country's health ministry has said. 海地卫生部称,霍乱蔓延导致的死亡人数已经超过了500人。 Fifty-nine people had died up until and including Thursday, and 617 others had...

  • 宫外孕新检测方法问世

    10-11-05 Researchers may have identified a promising novel diagnostic biomarker for ectopic pregnancy(宫外孕) , according to a study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology(内分泌学) Metabolism (JCEM). In the...

  • 半数国际旅行者未意识到潜在的健康问题

    10-11-04 More than 30 million people in the United States travel to resource-limited areas of the world each year. This global mobility may contribute to the spread of infectious diseases(传染性疾病) such as influenza, measl es(麻疹) , and meningitis(脑...

  • 轮班工作会增加工伤危险

    10-11-03 Canadians who work night and rotating shifts(轮流换班) are almost twice as likely to be injured on the job than those working regular day shifts, according to a study by researchers at the University of British Columbia. The study, published in th...

  • 转变提高护理专业过程中的新发现

    10-10-13 Still hampered by workforce(劳动力) shortages and barriers that impede(阻止,妨碍) their ranks from delivering health care to the full extent of their education and training, nurses may have gotten the much-needed shot in the arm they need to tr...

  • globesity 全球肥胖

    10-10-11 平时每到吃饭的时候,身边就有人嚷着说减肥,不吃饭,不管那个人是真胖还是假装减肥。不过,有一个事实倒是千真万确,那就是全世界肥胖人口这几年都有所增加,而且据说在发展中国家尤为明显。这个问题也引起了世界卫生组织的关注,他们还专门为这个问题取了个名字,叫...