• 使用电子病历并不总能得到更好的护理

    10-12-24 Use of electronic health records by hospitals across the United States has had only a limited effect on improving the quality of medical care, according to a new RAND Corporation study. Studying a wide mix of hospitals nationally, researchers found...

  • 导致极度冲动的变异基因被发现

    10-12-23 A multinational research team led by scientists at the National Institutes of Health has found that a genetic variant of a brain receptor molecule may contribute to violently impulsive behavior when people who carry it are under the influence of alc...

  • 鼻塞可能是重度哮喘的前兆

    10-12-21 Nasal congestion(鼻塞,鼻充血) can be a sign of severe asthma(哮喘) , which means that healthcare professionals should be extra vigilant(警惕的) when it comes to nasal complaints. Furthermore, more severe asthma appears to be more common than...

  • 喝甜菜根汁有助延长寿命

    10-12-20 New research into the health benefits of beetroot juice suggests it's not only athletes who can benefit from its performance enhancing properties its physiological effects could help the elderly or people with heart or lung-conditions enjoy more act...

  • 癌症患者同样需要注意饮食

    10-12-16 Advice for pregnant women on avoiding soft cheeses and certain other foods should be extended to cancer patients, according to public health experts. 公共卫生专家表示,孕妇要避免食用软干酪和其它某些食品应同样适用于癌症患者。 Listeria causes food poi...

  • 出生的季节影响人体生物钟的速度

    10-12-12 Being born in the summer could give you a sunny disposition for life. And a winter birthday might cast a permanent shadow over your happiness, scientists believe. 科学家认为,出生在夏天将赋予你开朗的性情,而出生在冬天则可能给你的快乐蒙上永久的阴影。...

  • 保持健康 尽量远离手机

    10-12-12 WARNING: Holding a cellphone against your ear or storing it in your pocket may be hazardous to your health. 警告:将手机贴在耳边或者塞在口袋里可能有害健康。 In San Francisco, cellphone retailers must post information about radiation. This paraphrase...

  • 俄制作戒酒宣传片《恶魔松鼠》

    10-12-12 为了宣传戒酒,俄罗斯卫生社会发展部制作了一个戒酒宣传片《恶魔松鼠》。 Russias health ministry has rolled out an unlikely new weapon in its fight against rampant(猖獗的,蔓延的) alcoholism: a video of a drunken squirrel hallucinating(产生幻觉) . T...

  • 自我修复材料即将问世

    10-12-08 You've seen it in movies: the human-like, robot assassin(刺客) quickly regenerates its structure after being damaged beyond recognition. This Terminator scenario is becoming less far-fetched as recent advances in structural health monitoring syste...

  • 奥巴马演讲 关于控制赤字的谈话1

    10-12-06 THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. Good morning, everybody.Let me begin by pointing out that although Washington is supposed to be a town of sharp elbows, its getting a little carried away. For those of you who are worried about my lip, I should be ok...