• boytox period 爱情空窗休整期

    13-12-24 When a woman ends a heartbreaking relationship, she may give up dating with the opposite sex for a temporary period in an attempt to enhance her overall well-being, including her mental health and her physical appearance. This is called boytox perio...

  • 园艺手工活动可使老人寿命延长30%

    13-12-20 Daily activities such as DIY or gardening may prolong life by up to 30% in the 60+ age group, a report published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine showed. 《英国运动医学杂志》上发表的一篇报道显示,像手工制作或园艺这样的日常活动有可能使60岁以...

  • 英国公司推在线推算年龄服务

    13-12-20 英国Centre of Ageing Better公司推出一项在线服务,利用较为科学的算法,通过你的生活习惯、饮食习惯来推算出你的生命年龄。 The life-limiting risks of poor diet, excessive alcohol and smoking are widely known. But a new service is to be launched to more a...

  • 50岁以上的人最好每天能吃一个苹果

    13-12-18 If everyone over the age of 50 ate an apple a day, 8,500 deaths from heart attacks and strokes could be avoided every year in the UK, say researchers. 英国研究人员称,如果国内超过50岁的人每天吃一个苹果,每年死于心脏病和中风的人将减少8500。 Apples wo...

  • 父亲的饮食对后代的健康有一定影响

    13-12-11 Mothers get all the attention. But a study led by McGill researcher Sarah Kimmins suggests that the father's diet before conception may play an equally important role in the health of their offspring. It also raises concerns about the long-term effe...

  • 近十年青少年感染艾滋病人数增加33%

    13-12-01 The number of adolescents infected by the HIV virus has jumped by one third over the past decade, the UN's health agency said Monday. 世界卫生组织11月25日宣布,过去十年间感染艾滋病病毒的青少年人数增加了33%。 More than 2 million adolescents between t...

  • 狗狗经过训练能嗅出某些人类疾病

    13-11-30 狗是人类最好的朋友,也可能是人类健康最大的盟友。《今日医学新闻》报道称,越来越多的狗用于训练嗅出癌症、糖尿...

  • 有更好“性生活”的果蝇寿命更长

    13-11-29 Sex may in fact be one of the secrets to good health, youth and a longer life -- at least for fruit flies -- suggests a new University of Michigan study that appears in the journal Science. Male fruit flies that perceived(感知,领会) sexual pherom...

  • 反式脂肪将逐步从美国退市

    13-11-17 Heart-clogging trans fats have been slowly disappearing from grocery aisles and restaurant menus in the last decade. Now, the Food and Drug Administration is finishing the job. 在最近十年里,致动脉阻塞的反式脂肪已从杂货通道和餐厅菜单上逐渐消失。如今...

  • 奥巴马讲话 呼吁全美人民支持平价医保法

    13-11-03 Hi, everybody. A few weeks ago, we launched an important new part of the Affordable Care Act. It's called the Marketplace. And for Americans without health insurance, and Americans who buy insurance on their own because they can't get it at work, it...