• 双酚基丙烷的安全替代品

    14-05-23 Numerous studies have linked exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) in plastic, receipt paper, toys, and other products with various health problems from poor growth to cancer, and the FDA has been supporting efforts to find and use alternatives. But are the...

  • 科研领域出现赢家通吃的局面

    14-05-23 As new research documents growing inequalities in health and wealth, the gap between haves and have-nots is growing in the field of scientific research itself, says University of Michigan sociologist Yu Xie. It's surprising that more attention has n...

  • 哺育后代影响雌狒狒的健康

    14-05-20 Observations made over the past 29 years in Kenya as part of one of the world's longest-running studies of a wild primate show how having offspring influences the health of female baboons. These observations highlight that females are mostly injured...

  • 希拉里的发言人炮轰布什顾问卡尔·罗夫

    14-05-16 A spokesman for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton blasted Karl Rove on Tuesday afternoon, days after his comments questioning her health at a New York City conference became public. 继美国前总统布什顾问卡尔罗夫质疑前国务卿希拉里的健康问题后...

  • 孕妇驾车发生车祸的几率显著提高

    14-05-14 Pregnancy is associated with a significant risk of a serious car crash requiring emergency medical care during the second trimester(中期妊娠) , according to a research paper published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal). Traffic mishaps...

  • 富含白藜芦醇的饮食未必使人更长寿

    14-05-14 A study of Italians who consume a diet rich in resveratrol(白藜芦醇) -- the compound found in red wine, dark chocolate and berries -- finds they live no longer than and are just as likely to develop cardiovascular disease or cancer as those who ea...

  • 空气取样技术能有效对抗生物恐怖主义

    14-05-10 Air and surface sampling techniques currently used by the US government are effective in fighting bioterrorism and potentially saving lives, a Saint Louis University researcher finds. Results published in Biosecurity and Bioterrorism by Alexander Ga...

  • 全世界需警惕小儿麻痹症的蔓延

    14-05-07 The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the spread of polio is an international public health emergency. 世界卫生组织宣布近期小儿麻痹症的蔓延为国际公共卫生突发事件。 Outbreaks in Asia, Africa and Middle East are an extraordinary event needi...

  • 南非反垃圾倾倒者被授予高曼环境奖

    14-04-29 An anti-toxic dump campaigner in South Africa has been recognised with a prestigious environmental award. 南非一位反有毒垃圾倾倒活动者被授予一项著名的环境奖项高曼环境奖。 Mr D'Sa said he would not be prevented from standing up for the truth Desmond...

  • 莫斯冠状病毒在沙特造成100多人死亡

    14-04-28 Saudi Arabia says more than 100 patients infected with the Mers coronavirus have now died since the outbreak began in 2012. 沙特政府称,自莫斯冠状病毒2012年爆发以来,已有100多位感染病毒的患者去世。 The health ministry said another eight deaths occur...