• 2012年全世界700万人死于空气污染

    14-03-30 Air pollution by sources ranging from cooking fires to auto fumes contributed to an estimated seven million deaths worldwide in 2012, the UN health agency has said. 世界卫生组织表示,据估计由于油烟与汽车尾气引起的空气污染在2012年导致了全世界700万人...

  • 金钱影响幸福感

    14-03-21 俗话说,金钱买不到幸福。但研究发现,经济上的安全感比健康的身体更能让人满足。随着经济上不安全感的消退,我们的幸福感也会逐渐增强。 Financial security is more important than good health in making people content, a study has found. Our happiness is grow...

  • 奥斯卡获奖者可能延寿

    14-03-07 这几天不少明星将会从奥斯卡上空手而归,留给他们的不仅仅是苦涩的失败,还可能会减寿。 This Sunday, a handful of stars will go home empty handed from the 2014 Academy Awards show. Not only will they be left with the bitter sting of defeat, but such loss...

  • 乌干达同性恋者能享受同等医疗服务

    14-02-26 Uganda's health minister says homosexuals will not be discriminated against when accessing healthcare. 乌干达卫生部长称,同性恋者在接受医疗保健的时候不会遭歧视。 Dr Ruhakana Rugunda told the BBC that all people, gay or otherwise, should get full acc...

  • 戒烟可能改善心理健康状况

    14-02-14 Health professionals who treat people with psychiatric problems often overlook their patients' smoking habits, assuming it's best to tackle depression, anxiety or substance abuse problems first. However, new research at Washington University School...

  • 奥巴马讲话 确保2014成为推动经济增长的一年

    14-01-25 Hi, everybody. Yesterday, we learned that in 2013, our businesses created 2.2 million new jobs-including 87,000 last month. Our unemployment rate is the lowest it has been since October 2008. And across our broader economy, there are signs of progre...

  • 蝾螈能作为森林生态健康的参考物

    14-01-23 Woodland salamanders(蝾螈) are small, lungless amphibians that live in moist, forest habitats throughout the U.S. and the world. Salamanders often serve as vital links in forest food chains; their population size and recovery from major disturbanc...

  • 污泥成威胁人类健康的新隐患

    14-01-18 Thousands of chemicals serving a variety of human needs flood into sewage treatment plants once their use life has ended. Many belong to a class of chemicals known as CECs (for chemicals of emerging concern), which may pose risks to both human and e...

  • 对转基因食品的首次综合测验

    14-01-16 As the abundance of genetically modified (GM) foods continues to grow, so does the demand for monitoring and labeling them. The genes of GM plants used for food are tweaked(扭,拧) to make them more healthful or pest-resistant, but some consumers...

  • 麦当劳建议员工少吃油炸食品

    13-12-27 近日快餐巨头麦当劳在一个仅向麦当劳员工开放的网站McResource Line上发布消息,建议员工避免吃汉堡以及油炸食品,多吃一些像沙拉、三明治之类的更为健康的食物。 In a strange bit of hypocrisy(虚伪,伪善) , McDonald's internal employee website advises worker...