• 沉迷电视与孤独和抑郁有关

    15-02-08 Binge TV-watching is associated with loneliness and depression, a study has shown. 研究发现,沉迷于电视与孤独和抑郁有关。 Those who spend hours immersed in back-to-back episodes of their favourite TV series really are likely to be sad, according to...

  • 三四十岁时胆固醇高 将来患心脏病风险大

    15-01-28 Most young adults might assume they have years before needing to worry about their cholesterol. But new findings from researchers at the Duke Clinical Research Institute suggest that even slightly high cholesterol levels in otherwise healthy adults...

  • 许多患乳癌的女性对病情知之甚少

    15-01-28 A new analysis has found that many women with breast cancer lack knowledge about their illness, with minority patients less likely than white patients to know and report accurate information about their tumors' characteristics. Published early onlin...

  • person of private enjoyment 私享家

    15-01-12 The word si xiang jia is a homonym with thinker in Chinese and means literally a person of private enjoyment . But it actually refers to people who pursue health, leisure and an independent lifestyle. 在汉语里,私享家和思想家的发音完全相同。私享家从...

  • 每天食用一小碗粥可延年益寿

    15-01-11 A small bowl of porridge each day could be the key to a long and healthy life, after a major study by Harvard University found that whole grains reduce the risk of dying from heart disease. 据哈佛大学研究表明,延年益寿的要诀是每天食用一小碗粥,当中...

  • 全球健康大调查

    15-01-11 When it comes to being healthy, the worlds priority is getting more sleep rather than eating healthy food, exercising or taking vitamins, a poll has found. 调查发现:谈起健康时,世界各地的人都将增加睡眠放在第一位,而非饮食健康、加强锻炼抑或补充维生...

  • 烹调时间越长 身体越不健康

    14-12-19 The longer people spend preparing meals, the worse their health becomes, a study found. 一项研究表明:烹调的时间越长,身体就越不健康。 The result contradicts the popular public health message that it is better to cook from scratch than rely on ready...

  • 吸电子烟的美国青少年越来越多

    14-12-16 E-cigarette use among teenagers is growing in the U.S., and Hawaii teens take up e-cigarette use at higher rates than their mainland counterparts, a new study by University of Hawaii Cancer Center researchers has found. The findings come as e-cigare...

  • 不是所有家务都能健身

    14-11-21 迈克尔莫斯利说过,不是所有人都有机会去健身房,但就算做家务也能健身。这是真的吗? Not everyone can get to the gym - but is it really possible to get fit by just doing one's chores, asks Michael Mosley. You might want to read this article while standi...

  • 奥巴马讲话 启动医保网络签约

    14-11-21 Hi, everybody. Over the past year, more than 10 million Americans have gained the financial security and peace of mind that comes with health insurance. More than seven million people enrolled in affordable coverage by visiting HealthCare.gov, or go...