• 克隆羊可以活得健康长久

    16-07-27 Three weeks after the scientific world marked the 20th anniversary of the birth of Dolly the sheep new research, published by The University of Nottingham, in the academic journal Nature Communications has shown that four clones derived from the sam...

  • 咖啡有害健康吗?

    16-07-16 Just the opposite. Numerous studies have shown that coffee is associated with impressive health perks. Its been linked to lower risk of heart disease, Parkinsons, and liver cancer -- and it might even help you live longer. In fact, a recent study in...

  • 未来的夏天将会更热

    16-06-14 In 50 years, summers across most of the globe could be hotter than any summer experienced by people to date, according to a study by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colo. If climate change continues on i...

  • 减掉赘肉真正需要做些什么 下

    16-05-24 Manage your emotions Emotions can ruin your day, and subsequently any healthy progress youve made, Teeter warns. One bad day at work can lead to binge eating and drinking in front of the TV instead of preparing a nourishing meal and hitting the gym....

  • 减掉赘肉真正需要做些什么 上

    16-05-24 Dont expect a miracle It probably took you a lifetime to reach the size you are now, and that means it might take years to become the healthiest version of yourself, says Alicia Marie, a holistic enthusiast who has dropped more than 100lbs. It may b...

  • 空气污染时行走或骑车对健康也有益

    16-05-16 Walking or cycling is good for you even in polluted cities, researchers have found. 研究人员发现,即使在有空气污染的城市,行走或骑车也是对健康有益的。 The health benefit of physical activity outweighs the harm caused by chemicals and dust puffed out...

  • 奥巴马坦白任期内所犯最大错误

    16-04-18 President Barack Obama said the worst mistake of his presidency was a lack of planning for the aftermath of the 2011 toppling of Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi. 贝拉克奥巴马总统承认,其任期内所犯的最大错误就是,在2011年推翻利比亚独裁者穆阿迈尔卡扎...

  • 娶个聪明的老婆可使男人长寿

    16-04-18 If a man wants to live a long life he should marry an intelligent woman, according to scientists. 科学家称,男人要想长寿,就得娶个聪明的老婆。 Dementia experts said that having an intelligent partner can act as buffer to the disease. By studying the...

  • 锻炼可抵消久坐带来的危害

    16-04-09 Exercising for as little as two-and-a-half hours a week can undo damage done by sitting down all day, a study has found. 研究发现,每周仅需2.5小时的锻炼,就可抵消终日久坐带来的危害。 The study by the University of Leicester found that even moderate...

  • 海淘英语之物品种类

    16-04-06 all departments 所有分类 appliances 电器 arts, crafts sewing 美术、手工、缝纫用品 automotive 汽车用品 baby 母婴用品 beauty 美容化妆品 cell phones accessories 手机及配件 clothing accessories 服装配饰 collectibles fine art 收藏品艺术品 CDs Vinyl CD、...