• 2017年底85%城市会有家庭医生

    17-05-05 The idea of seeing a family doctor is still a new thing for many Chinese. But that may soon be different. 对许多中国人来说,看家庭医生仍然是一个新事物,但这种想法可能很快就会不同。 As a pioneering project, southwestern Sichuan province provides fami...

  • 中国将发展医疗合作以提供优质服务

    17-04-13 China will arrange closer partnerships between top-tier hospitals and grassroots medical services to provide health management and health care services for urban and rural residents alike in a more inclusive and coherent manner. 中国将密切协调一流医...

  • 消极情绪对于心理健康是必不可少的

    17-03-30 A client sits before me, seeking help untangling his relationship problems. As a psychotherapist, I strive to be warm, nonjudgmental and encouraging. I am a bit unsettled, then, when in the midst of describing his painful experiences, he says, Im so...

  • 老年痴呆症对女性的影响大于男性

    17-01-08 For more than 25 years, Mary Read was a successful nurse in Lititz, Pennsylvania. But in 2010, at the age of 50, she started having trouble with her memory and thinking, making it difficult for her to complete routine tasks and follow instructions a...

  • 如何控制衰老

    17-01-08 Molecular biologist Elizabeth Blackburn shared a Nobel Prize for her research on telomeres -- structures at the tips of chromosomes that play a key role in cellular aging. But she was frustrated that important health implications of her work werent...

  • 运动5分钟能抵消部分久坐的消极影响

    17-01-03 Spending hours a day sitting at a desk is known to have consequences for your health but, scientists now say just five-minute walking stints could counteract some of the risks. 众所周知,一天在桌子前坐上数小时肯定不利于健康但最近科学家发现,哪怕只是...

  • 瑞典某诊所向男性量身推荐避孕套

    16-12-24 A southern Swedish health clinic is offering services to men to measure their penis in order to fit them with the correct condom size. 瑞典南部的一间医疗诊所向男性提供阴茎尺寸测量服务,以帮助他们购买合适尺寸的避孕套。 Specially designed tape will me...

  • 荷兰“人生完整”的人也可能合法安乐死

    16-10-28 The Dutch government intends to draft a law that would legalise assisted suicide for people who feel they have completed life but are not necessarily terminally ill. 荷兰政府计划起草一项法案,让那些感到人生完整但不一定处在绝症晚期的人可以合法进行安...

  • 希拉里健康状况引竞争对手猜测

    16-08-27 Rudy Giuliani has joined the chorus of Donald Trump supporters peddling conspiracy theories about Hillary Clintons health. 唐纳德特朗普团队就希拉里克林顿的健康状况频频发动阴谋论说,前纽约市长鲁迪朱利安尼最近也掺和进来了。 She doesnt need to campaign...

  • 生活中不知不觉地减掉脂肪

    16-08-08 ENJOYING A SMOOCH Maybe you havent spent significant amounts of time kissing since you were a teenager, and these days youd rather sleep than smooch. But if passion for your partner isnt enough motivation, consider the fact that kissing and hugging...