• A Dead Fly 一只死苍蝇

    12-10-26 Mr. Smith: Waiter, there's a dead fly in my soup. Waiter: Yes, sir, I know---it's the heat that kills it. 史密斯先生:服务员,我的汤里有一只死苍蝇。 服务员:是的,先生,我知道了,它是被烫死的。...

  • 预测聚变能过程中的阻碍因素

    12-08-21 Researchers at a recent worldwide conference on fusion(融合,融化) power have confirmed the surprising accuracy of a new model for predicting the size of a key barrier to fusion that a top scientist at the U.S. Department of Energy's Princeton Pla...

  • 美国多州爆发热浪 数十人死亡

    12-07-09 At least 42 people have died in a heatwave that has brought soaring temperatures to a dozen US states from the Midwest to the East Coast. 美国中西部至东海岸几个州气温猛增,热浪造成至少42人死亡。 Crops shrivelled(皱缩的) and roads and railway lines...

  • 高效廉价的电子设备散热方式被发现

    12-04-10 A North Carolina State University researcher has developed a more efficient, less expensive way of cooling electronic devices -- particularly devices that generate a lot of heat, such as lasers and power devices. The technique uses a heat spreader m...

  • 热应激能帮助珊瑚礁应对气候变化

    12-04-01 A team of international scientists working in the central Pacific has discovered that coral which has survived heat stress in the past is more likely to survive it in the future. The study, published March 30 in the journal PLoS ONE, paves the way t...

  • 纳米涂层能使热传导加倍

    12-02-16 By adding an incredibly thin coating of alumina(氧化铝) to a metal surface, researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have doubled the rate that heat travels from a solid surface -- such as a pot on a stove -- into the liquid in the pot....

  • 地球的热量主要来自放射性衰变

    11-08-03 Nearly half of the Earth's heat comes from the radioactive decay of materials inside, according to a large international research collaboration that includes a Kansas State University physicist. Glenn Horton-Smith, associate professor of physics, wa...

  • 夏初的热浪致死率较高

    70-01-01 The risk of dying from a heat wave is highest when heat waves occur early in the summer and are hotter and longer than usual, according to a Yale study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP). During the first heat wave of a...

  • 巴黎将利用地铁乘客身体热量供暖

    10-09-11 法国巴黎最大的公共住房项目近日宣布将利用地铁中乘客身体释放出来的热量为市中心的一个公共住房项目供暖。 The warmth generated by human bodies in the Parisian metro will help heat a public housing project in the city center, the capital's largest owner o...

  • 英国Orange公司推出长筒充电靴

    10-07-03 Modern festival-goers who dread ending up with a dead mobile phone battery after days stuck in a muddy field with no electric plug power points may now have a solution -- power boots. 喜爱参加节日活动的人再也不用担心被困泥地数日遇上手机没电,而且还...