• 英国学生着装不合规定被哄回家

    15-09-10 More than 50 pupils were sent home from a Nottingham school on the first day of term after turning up in inappropriate footwear including flip-flops. 因为穿了人字拖等不合规定的鞋子上学,诺丁汉一所学校的50多名学生在新学期的第一天被轰回家。 The headte...

  • With one small gesture

    15-09-06 One day, when I was a freshman in high school, I saw a kid from my class walking home from school. His name was Kyle. It looked like he was carrying all of his books. I thought to myself, Why would anyone bring home all his books on a Friday? He mus...

  • Promise

    15-09-06 In 1989 an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened America, killing over 30,000 people in less than four minutes. In the midst of utter devastation and chaos, a father left his wife safely at home and rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be, o...

  • not-in-my-backyard 邻避效应

    15-09-02 There have been reports recently that residents of a community in Shanghai opposed the construction of a care home for the elderly near the community, because it might have a negative effect on their house prices. It's a typical social conflict that...

  • Walden Zone 瓦尔登区

    15-08-20 We spend all day surrounded by beeping, blinking gizmos. Wouldn't it be nice to have a room in your home designated as a place with no communications devices? One writer has coined a new phrase for this idea: a Walden Zone. 我们每天被各种设备的提示...

  • How Do You Raise a Black Child?

    15-08-18 How Do You Raise a Black Child? Cortney Lamar Charleston -- with a nod to Claire Kageyama-Ramakrishnan From the dead. With pallbearers who are half as young as their faces suggest and twice the oxen they should be. Without a daddy at all, or with a...

  • 越来越多的美国情侣在殡仪馆举行婚礼

    15-08-09 More couples are tying the knot in an unusual place -- funeral homes. 越来越多的情侣在殡仪馆这一非同寻常的场所结为连理。 I think it's the future of funeral service, having reception centers on site for families to celebrate life and weddings and oth...

  • Top Ten Books Doctors Enjoy Reading

    15-07-22 10. How To Turn a Lung Transplant Into a Vacation Home 9. Your Waiting Room's a Financial Bonanza: The Simple Use of Vending Machines Pay-Per-View TV 8. All the Things that 9 out of 10 of Us Recommend 7. Chicken Scratch: How to Not Only Write it, Bu...

  • Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 58

    15-07-20 Begone, Father, I replied, horror-struck, begone, you are a monster to dare so cruelly take advantage of my circumstances in order to force upon me the alternatives of death or infamy; I shall know how to die, if die I must, but 'twill be to die sin...

  • 阿里巴巴将推出突破性家庭娱乐平台

    15-07-14 Alibaba has partnered with Chinese broadcaster Hunan TV and film production and distribution company DMG Entertainment to launch the country's first home entertainment platform. 阿里巴巴与湖南广电以及DMG娱乐传媒合作推出中国首个家庭娱乐平台。 The pac...