• American Tragedy 美国悲剧 chapter 7

    14-09-05 And so, of all the influences which might have come to Clyde at this time, either as an aid or an injury to hisdevelopment, perhaps the most dangerous for him, considering his temperament, was this same Green-Davidson,than which no more materially a...

  • American Tragedy 美国悲剧 chapter 5

    14-09-05 The imaginative flights of Clyde in connection with all this -- his dreams of what it might mean for him to beconnected with so glorious an institution -- can only be suggested. For his ideas of luxury were in the main soextreme and mistaken and gau...

  • Two Peasants 两个农夫

    14-08-19 Once upon a time two peasants attempted to pass each other, and their sledges became entangled. One cried, Give me room, I must get to town as quickly as possible. The other said, You give me room, I must get home as quickly as possible. Thus for a...

  • A little boy's age 一个小男孩的年龄

    14-07-30 One day a minister went to visit a home in his new parish. A little boy was playing in the living room. Before his mother came downstairs to greet the visitor, the minister cordially(诚挚地) asked the boy, How old are you, my little man? I am five...

  • I'll Change My Name 我会改一个名字

    14-07-29 At the age of 16, Edely decided to leave home and join a theater company. His father was appalled(惊骇的) , A son of mine on the stage? It's a disgrace! he wailed. What if the neighbors find out? I'll change my name, the comic-to-be volunteered. C...

  • 传闻称奥巴马欲在加州沙漠里购置别墅

    14-07-25 Fanned by the Los Angeles Times' very plugged-in Hot Property columnist and real estate reporter Lauren Beale, rumors have flared that President Obama and his family have bought a home in the California desert. 消息灵通的洛杉矶时报房产热专栏作家劳拉...

  • 界定工作与家庭 科技亦敌亦友

    14-06-17 When it comes to managing boundaries between work responsibilities and home life, technology is our frenemy. Technology, specifically mobile technology, can be alternately used to maintain, erase or manage home and work boundaries along a spectrum....

  • 西班牙孩子不做家务将属违法

    14-05-03 据报道,西班牙国会近日通过了一项法律草案,要求儿童在家必须做家务。草案如果正式通过,孩子不做家务将属违法。 Spanish children may soon be required to help out with housework, under a draft law that has been approved by parliament. The measure, which w...

  • I want a day off 想请一天假

    14-04-08 Smith goes to see his supervisor in the front office. Boss, he says, we're doing some heavy house-cleaning at home tomorrow, and my wife needs me to help with the attic and the garage, moving and hauling stuff. We're short-handed, Smith, the boss re...

  • He never heard a thing 他什么都没听到

    14-04-08 Working at the post office, I'm used to dealing with a moody public. So when one irate(生气的) customer stormed my desk, I responded in my calmest voice, What's the trouble? I went out this morning, she began, and when I came home I found a card s...