• 有或无孩子的美国人的生活满意度相同

    14-01-15 Americans aged 34 to 46 with children at home rate their life satisfaction at higher levels than those without children at home, according to a report by Princeton University and Stony Brook University published in the Proceedings of the National Ac...

  • The Three Languages

    13-12-26 An aged count once lived in Switzerland, who had an only son, but he was stupid, and could learn nothing. Then said the father, Hark thee, my son, I can get nothing into thy head, let me try as I will. Thou must go from hence, I will give thee into...

  • Demeter Speaks After a Long Silence

    13-12-19 Demeter Speaks After a Long Silence Rosemary Catacalos Who are you, gardener? You dig deeply into me, into the dark home of the old woman who is a childless worm, an imperfect memory of grace. She recollects everything when you touch her, grows wing...

  • Herr Korbes

    13-12-18 There were once a cock and a hen who wanted to take a journey together. So the cock built a beautiful carriage, which had four red wheels, and harnessed four mice to it. The hen seated herself in it with the cock, and they drove away together. Not l...

  • Ulysses and the Bag of Winds

    13-12-05 Long, long ago, there lived upon a little island a Greek king named Ulysses. One time Ulysses sailed far away across the sea to fight for his country, and for ten long years he was away from his beautiful wife and his little son. At last the Greeks...

  • 英国4岁小女孩被宠物狗咬死

    13-11-30 A four-year-old mauled to death by a pet dog has been described by neighbours as a happy, sweet little girl. 一个被邻居公认为快乐、可爱的4岁小女孩被家中的宠物狗咬死。 The dog, believed to be a French bull mastiff(獒) , was the family's pet and was...

  • 美女与野兽

    13-11-29 A long time ago and far away, there lived a merchant and his three daughters. The older girls were proud, while the youngest girl was generous and kind. One day, the merchant heard that all his ships had been lost in a storm. He was penniless(贫穷...

  • 加州一家四口3年前失踪 沙漠中发现遗体

    13-11-25 The search is over for a California family who disappeared under mystifying circumstances three years ago. 美国加州麦克斯泰一家4口3年前神秘失踪,警方日前在加州一处沙漠中发现4人的遗体。 Joseph McStay; his wife, Summer; and their two children, Gianni...

  • The Little Peasant

    13-11-21 There was a certain village wherein no one lived but really rich peasants, and just one poor one, whom they called the little peasant. He had not even so much as a cow, and still less money to buy one, and yet he and his wife did so wish to have one...

  • 《幸运查克》五

    13-11-14 精彩对白 Chuck: This spell ... turn it off , please. Anisha: Charlie, I was just a kid. I didn't know what I was doing. I don't even know what I did. Chuck: You fucked up my life! That's what you did. Anisha: I asked you to watch your language . You...