• homedebtor 身背巨额房贷的人

    13-11-12 Recent homebuyers are becoming homedebtors at the same time. A homedebtor is a homeowner with an extremely large mortgage, particularly one that he or she is unlikely to ever pay off. 近些年不少人在买房的同时也背上了巨额房贷,成为了homedebtor。Homed...

  • 牡蛎靠声音为自己选安家地

    13-11-02 Oysters(牡蛎) begin their lives as tiny drifters, but when they mature they settle on reefs. New research from North Carolina State University shows that the sounds of the reef may attract the young oysters, helping them locate their permanent hom...

  • staycation 家中度假

    13-10-31 A staycation (or stay-cation, or stacation) is a neologism for a period of time in which an individual or family stays at home and relaxes at home or takes day trips from their home to area attractions. Staycations have achieved high popularity in t...

  • Hospital Sketches - Chapter 6

    13-10-28 A Postscript My Dear S.: - As inquiries like your own have come to me from various friendly readers of the Sketches, I will answer them en masse and in printed form, as a sort of postscript to what has gone before. One of these questions was, Are th...

  • 《倾听女人心》一

    13-10-17 精彩对白 Colleague: Hey, I heard. I can't believe this. Nick: My next headache . Colleague: Don't worry. We'll get through it. Nick: Yeah. Boss: Everyone, everyone, meet Darcy McGuire. Nick: Oh, jeez. Darcy: My goodness. Everybody showed up. Colleag...

  • A word for autumn

    13-10-17 Last night the waiter put the celery(芹菜) on with the cheese, and I knew that summer was indeed dead. Other signs of autumn there may be -- the reddening leaf, the chill in the early-morning air, the misty(模糊的) evenings -- but none of these...

  • 如何让消费者对商场产生亲密感?

    13-10-16 When a shop is authentic and the workers are friendly, it can feel like a second home for consumers, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research. People often feel strongly attached to particular places. Such places typically includ...

  • Animals

    13-10-10 There are many kinds of animals in the world. People don't know the exact numbers. In the zoo, people can see many kinds of animals. For example, lions, tigers, they are scary. Monkey, foxes are intelligent. People usually think pandas; koala bears...

  • 美国聋犬帮助主人擒获盗窃犯

    13-09-29 A friendly English Springer Spaniel named Bonnie, who also happens to be deaf, is being praised by her owner for helping him catch a suspected intruder in their Salem home. 一只友好的英国史宾格犬邦妮虽然耳聋,却帮助主人擒获了一个入室盗窃犯,主人对她...

  • 苏秦刺股

    13-09-17 Once upon a time there was a scholar named Suqin. He was utterly destitute(穷困的) from the time he was young with no money to study with. In order to make a living and study, he had to sell his hair or worked for others frequently and went travel...