• 仔鱼依靠气味寻找“回家之路”

    13-08-29 How tiny fish larvae travel away from the reef, then know how to navigate their way back home is a scientific mystery. A new study led by Dr. Claire Paris, Professor at the University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine Atmospheric Science con...

  • 英议员建议出租司机对衣着暴露女性降低收费

    13-08-16 英国埃塞克斯郡布伦特伍德市议员克里斯霍塞克称,出租车司机应对衣着暴露的女性降低收费以帮助她们安全到家。霍塞克表示,出租车公司应当承担起社会责任,以低收费的方式帮助这些女孩子平安回家,避免被侵犯。 TAXIS should give scantily clad girls cheaper taxi far...

  • 《唐顿庄园》五

    13-08-14 精彩对白 Robert: Busy? Cora: I'm just trying to sort out the wretched flower show. Robert: I've had a letter from Rosamond. Cora: Don't tell me: she wants saddle of lamb and all the fruit and vegetables we can muster. Robert: She enjoys a taste of h...

  • The King's Son Who Feared Nothing

    13-08-07 There was once a King's son, who was no longer content to stay at home in his father's house, and as he had no fear of anything, he thought, I will go forth into the wide world, there the time will not seem long to me, and I shall see wonders enough...

  • The Lazy Spinner

    13-07-30 In a certain village there once lived a man and his wife, and the wife was so idle that she would never work at anything; whatever her husband gave her to spin, she did not get done, and what she did spin she did not wind, but let it all remain enta...

  • 《天生一对》三

    13-07-22 精彩对白 Chessy: Hello, gorgeous! Oh, look at you! Oh, you grew. Oh, we missed you so much. Hey, don't you dare let your old man talk you out of going back to camp. Okay?You're a growing girl. You need adventure. Annie: Okay. Chessy: Oh, you hungry?...

  • The Moon

    13-06-08 In days gone by there was a land where the nights were always dark, and the sky spread over it like a black cloth, for there the moon never rose, and no star shone in the obscurity(朦胧,阴暗) . At the creation of the world, the light at night had...

  • 奥巴马演讲 创造一个繁荣昌盛的中产阶级

    13-05-24 Hi, everybody. Over the past few months, I've laid out a series of commonsense ideas to reignite(再次点燃) the true engine of our economic growth: a rising, thriving middle class. The way I see it, there are three areas where we need to focus. One...

  • 养狗的家庭内有更多的细菌

    13-05-23 New research from North Carolina State University and the University of Colorado shows that households with dogs are home to more types of bacteria - including bacteria that are rarely found in households that do not have dogs. The finding is part o...

  • 美国俄克拉荷马州遭龙卷风袭击

    13-05-20 At least one person is reported dead and several others injured in a series of tornadoes that have torn through the US state of Oklahoma. 美国俄克拉荷马州遭遇一连串的龙卷风袭击,至少1人死亡、多人受伤。 The worst damage was caused by a tornado near t...