• 《一条狗的回家路》1月18日上映

    18-12-30 A lot can happen on a long journey. Upcoming American movie A Dogs Way Home tells such a story. 长途旅行中可能发生很多事,即将上映的美国电影《一条狗的回家路》讲述了这样的一个故事。 In a newly-released trailer, a dog named Bella fights wolves after g...

  • 阿拉斯加最后两家录像带租赁店下周关张

    18-07-13 The last two home video rental shops in the northwest U.S. state of Alaska said Thursday that they will close their business Monday. 美国阿拉斯加州最后两家家庭影视出租店周四表示,他们将于下周一关张。 Blockbuster Alaska, the northwest operator of U.S...

  • runcommute 跑步通勤

    17-12-10 Runcommute refers to a run between ones home and workplace. 跑步通勤指的是跑步从家前往办公场所。 With lives getting busier and busier, many runners have found that running to or from work is a really efficient way to get in the miles, as well as bei...

  • 简单几招抵消久坐危害

    17-10-11 1. Avoid the treats The birthday doughnuts or the homemade chocolate cookies from colleagues may be tempting, but the experts say to avoid them at all costs. Research from the Royal College of Surgeons has shown the office cake culture, in which wor...

  • 几条与金钱相关的习语

    17-07-11 1. Balance the books 结账、结算 determine that accounts are in balance, bring the two sides into equilibrium, settle an account by paying what is due 确定账户处于平衡状态,力求平衡,通过支付到期款来结算账户 The accountant says he cant balance the bo...

  • 王室公布夏洛特公主最新萌照

    17-05-07 A new photograph of Princess Charlotte, taken by her mother the Duchess of Cambridge, has been released to celebrate her second birthday. 为庆祝英国夏洛特公主两周岁生日,由母亲凯特王妃为她拍摄的一张最新萌照近日曝光。 The Duke and Duchess of Cambridg...

  • 不善交际的人如何拒绝别人

    17-04-21 Please go away. Im introverting. 请走开,我忙着内向呢。 I would rather be at home with my cat. 我更愿意待在家里陪我的猫。 I came. I saw. And I want to go home. 我来。我看。然后我想回家了。 Sorry Im late. I dont want to come. 抱歉,我来晚了,因为我并...

  • Oh, The Cat Came Back...

    17-02-28 A man absolutely hated his wifes cat and decided to get rid of him one day by driving him 20 blocks from his home and leaving him at the park. As he was getting home, the cat was walking up the driveway. The next day he decided to drive the cat 40 b...

  • Lines Written for Elmo Castelnuovo

    17-01-03 Lines Written for Elmo Castelnuovo Peter Everwine Its not time that passes, its you, its I -- Rutger Kopland In winter, by late afternoon, its almost dark when you come home from the mine. I hear the front gate creak and the metallic clink of your p...

  • 中国移动将挖掘物联网潜力

    16-12-20 Chinese telecoms giant China Mobile says it will transform its business and boost revenue next year by tying up with partners to tap the 5G network, Internet of Things, and smart home development. 中国电信巨头中国移动表示,2017年将着眼于5G网络、物联...