• immigration plan 移民计划

    15-05-11 President Barack Obama unveiled his immigration plan , saying lifting the threat of expulsion from five million undocumented migrants would make the system more fair and just. 奥巴马总统公布了他的移民计划,称消除五百万非法移民被遣返的威胁会让移民体...

  • 奥巴马讲话 实施移民责任管理政策

    14-12-19 Hi everybody. Today, I'm at Del Sol High School, in Las Vegas, to talk with students and families about immigration. We are a nation of immigrants. It has always given America a big advantage over other nations. It keeps our country young, dynamic,...

  • 移民留学相关法律词汇 3

    14-12-16 grant n. 同意,准许,许可 household n.家庭,家庭组合 illegal a. 非法 illegal alien 非法移民 illegitimate a. 不合法的 illegitimate children 非婚生子女 immigrant n. 移民,侨民 immigrant a. 移民的,侨民的 immigrant visa 移民签证 immigration n. 移民;移居;移...

  • 奥巴马讲话 呼吁各方努力通过移民改革法案

    13-07-28 Hi, everybody. Two weeks ago, a large bipartisan majority of Senators voted to pass commonsense, comprehensive immigration reform, taking an important step towards fixing our broken immigration system once and for all. This bill was a compromise, an...

  • 奥巴马讲话 各方携手尽快落实移民体系改革法案

    13-06-30 Hi everybody. Right now, the United States Senate is debating a bipartisan(两党连立的) , commonsense bill that would be an important step toward fixing our broken immigration system. It's a bill that would continue to strengthen security at our bo...

  • 英国议员提议拍卖签证 进行移民体系改革

    13-06-11 英国保守党议员组成的自由企业组织近期提出一项以市场为导向的移民体系改革提案,建议英国政府将居住和工作签证拿出来拍卖,卖给竞价最高的个人和企业,这样才能确保进入英国的都是能为英国经济做出贡献的人,同时保证英国的国际竞争力。 Visas to live and work in Br...

  • 瑞士将限额欧盟移民

    13-04-25 Switzerland is to renew restrictions on immigration from eight central and eastern European Union countries. 瑞士将重启对来自八个中欧、东欧国家移民数额的限制。 There is concern in Switzerland about a growing influx(流入,汇集) of workers from poor...

  • 美国移民法将在六个月内进行改革

    13-01-31 President Barack Obama has said US immigration reform could be achieved within six months, in an interview with Spanish-language TV channel Telemundo. 美国总统奥巴马在接受波多黎各西班牙语电视台采访时称,美国移民法改革将会在六个月内完成。 The preside...

  • 美国开始彻底的移民改革

    12-08-16 Undocumented immigrants are applying for the temporary right to live and work openly in the US, as a sweeping immigration policy reform takes effect. 一场彻底的移民政策改革正在美国生效,非法入境的移民纷纷申请在美国公开生活、工作的临时权力。 Up to 1....

  • 废止出生公民权 美国非法人口将猛涨

    10-09-09 Repeal(废除,撤销) of birthright citizenship for the U.S.-born children of unauthorized immigrants would expand the nation's unauthorized population by at least 5 million over the next decade, according to a new report from the Migration Policy In...