• 两会热门词汇

    13-07-18 收入分配 income distribution 贫富差距 gap between the rich and the poor (wealth gap) 医疗改革 medical reform 养老保险 pension insurance system 政府改革 government reform 房价调控 housing prices control 司法公正 judicial justice 征信 credit investiga...

  • 个人所得税

    13-04-15 tax rate 税率 tax year 纳税年度 tax exemption threshold 起征点 nine-bracket system 九级征税级别 public sentiment 公众意见 National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee 全国人大常委 tax burdens 课税负担 individual income tax law 个人所得税法 St...

  • 第21届中译英研讨会热词5

    13-02-01 1. 洗浴中心 spa 2. 拿捏 gauge/weigh to find the proper approach/get the appropriate way of dealing with a particular problem;to maneuver 3. 潜规则 tacit rule/unspoken rule hidden rule/casting couch 4. 错时上下班 staggered office hours 5. 社会底层 l...

  • 2012第四季度亚马逊利润骤降

    13-01-30 The online retailer Amazon has announced a sharp fall in profits. 网络销售商亚马逊宣布利润骤降。 Net income for the three months to the end of December was $97m, down from $177m for the same period in 2011. The fall came despite an increase in reven...

  • 不要让自己做有才华的穷人

    12-10-30 The world is filled with smart, talented, educated and gifted people. We meet them every day. A few days ago, my car was not running well. I pulled it into a garage, and the young mechanic had it fixed in just a few minutes. He knew what was wrong b...

  • eBay盈利大幅增长

    12-01-19 The internet auction site eBay has reported a big jump in its quarterly profits. 在线拍卖网易趣第四季度盈利大幅增长。 Net income for the last three months of 2011 came in at $1.98bn (1.28bn), up from $559m in the same period last year. We had a stro...

  • off-the-books income 灰色收入

    11-11-30 Wen also vowed to crack down on and ban illegal income, regulate off-the-books income , gradually form a transparent, fair and rational pattern of income distribution, and resolutely reverse the widening income gap. 温总理还承诺将严禁和打击非法收入...

  • 奥巴马演讲 迫不急待等待议会通过工作法案

    11-11-05 This week, a new economic report confirmed what most Americans already believe to be true: over the past three decades, the middle class has lost ground while the wealthiest few have become even wealthier. In fact, the average income for the top one...

  • eBay第三季度利润增长14%

    11-10-20 The internet auction site eBay has reported a 14% increase in third quarter profits. 在线拍卖网站eBay今年第三季度盈利增长14%。 Net income for the three months to the end of September came in at $491m (311m), up from $432m in the same period last yea...

  • income gap 收入差距

    11-10-11 He vowed that the CPPCC would give its full attention to factors affecting social stability that have their source in the excessive income gap , and offer solutions and suggestions on adjusting the pattern of national income distribution. 他(贾庆林...