• income distribution 收入分配

    11-09-01 The premier said the country's income distribution system should be perfected so that all 1.3 billion Chinese could enjoy the fruit of the country's reform and opening-up drive. 温总理提到,我国必须改革收入分配制度,以便让全体13亿国民享受到国家改革...

  • 英国1%的富人缴纳1/4所得税

    11-02-22 A quarter of all of Britain's income tax revenues this year will be paid by just one per cent of earners, according to official data. 官方数据显示,今年英国四分之一的所得税收入将来自于1%的纳税人。 The figure is in sharp contrast to 1978, an era asso...

  • 福特第三季度净获利17亿

    10-10-27 US motor company Ford has reported net income of $1.7bn (1.08bn) for the third quarter, a rise of 68% on the same period a year ago. 美国汽车公司福特第三季度净收益17亿美元,比去年同期增长68%。 Ford says its new Explorer is more fuel efficient The co...

  • 奥巴马演讲 俄亥俄州民宅谈经济4

    10-08-23 Q Mr. President, I'm concerned about the furor lately that's been -- its similar to whats happened in the past but its reemerging, mostly from the Republican Party, but some Democrats -- that Social Security needs to be privatized because its losing...

  • 英国30%的的女性挣钱比伴侣多

    10-07-25 Nearly a third of women are the main breadwinners in their household, according to a major survey. 一项大型调查显示,英国近三分之一的女性是家中的主要经济支柱。 Thirty percent earn more than their partners and a further 19 percent earn the same amoun...

  • 温家宝总理政府工作报告热词

    10-07-22 fiscal revenue 财政收入 per capita disposable income 人均可支配收入 net per capita income 人均纯收入 the central government's public investment 中央政府公共投资 technological upgrading projects 技改项目 actual utilized foreign direct investment 实际...

  • 解读温总理政府工作报告1

    10-03-06 Following are the highlights of Wen's Report on the Work of the Government. 以下是温家宝总理政府工作报告中的亮点解读。 Key words: Income distribution, 'Hukou' reform, Employment, Low-carbon, Housing prices 关键词:收入分配、户口改革、就业、低碳、房...

  • 好莱坞女星吸金榜 “赫敏”称后

    10-02-06 美国《名利?吩又咀罱??剂?009年好莱坞明星的收入排行,《哈利波特》系列电影中的女主角艾玛沃特森以2000万英镑的总收入超过卡梅隆迪亚兹等人荣登女星收入榜首,现年19岁的她同时也是榜上最年轻的明星。该系列电影的男主角丹尼尔克里夫则以4000万英镑的总收入位列好...

  • 迪斯尼第三季度利润超出预想

    09-11-13 Walt Disney has surprised analysts by posting better-than-expected profits for the three months to 3 October. 截止到10月3日,迪斯尼前三个月利润比预想情况要好。 Disney reported a decline in spending at its theme parks Net income came in at $895m (540...

  • 工资指导价 income benchmark

    09-07-29 7月20日,深圳市劳动保障局向社会公布了2009年度人力资源市场工资指导价位,受金融危机影响,与上年度相比,今年度深圳市工资指导价位呈下降态势,价位平均数为2750元/月,比上年度下降了3.8%,为11年来首次下降。同时,职工收入差距继续缩小,金融业总体收入水平仍居...