• 上班族的副业

    21-01-04 Do you have a job? If you do, youll know the world of work can be tough long hours, tedious tasks and stress. But it can bring benefits too, such as a regular salary and, sometimes, job satisfaction. Maybe thats why more us are now taking on a side...

  • 美企业家捐款 推动全民基本工资

    20-09-05 Twitter and Square CEO Jack Dorsey is throwing his weight behind universal basic income. 推特和Square公司的首席执行官Jack Dorsey要推动全民基本工资。 The Silicon Valley entrepreneur is committing $3 million to Mayors for a Guaranteed Income, a new co...

  • 2017故宫文创收入15亿

    19-02-19 The latest tally of stats show sales at the Palace Museum, better known as the Forbidden City, in Beijing reached 1.5 billion yuan (around 221 million USD) in 2017, said Shan Jixiang, the museum curator during the Yabuli China Entrepreneurs Forum....

  • 印度锡金将为公民提供普遍基本收入

    19-01-29 High in the Himalayas, Sikkim is one of the tiniest states in India. But it is about to embark on an experiment of global interest. 位于喜马拉雅山坡上的锡金是印度最小的邦之一,但这里即将进行一项全球瞩目的试验。 Sikkims ruling party has announced an...

  • 个人所得税起征点提高至5000元

    18-08-31 Chinas top legislature passed the amendment to the personal income tax law on Friday, raising minimum threshold for individual income tax from 3,500 to 5,000 yuan per month, or 60,000 yuan per year. 中国最高立法机构周五通过了个人所得税修正案,将个人...

  • 夏威夷将施行全民基本收入政策

    17-09-14 Hawaii is considering introducing a basic income for all its citizens. 夏威夷正在考虑在该州施行全民基本收入政策。 The US states congress voted to look into the idea as research suggests a large number of current jobs are likely to be replaced by aut...

  • 中国媒体的广告收入迅速追赶国际同行

    17-05-05 Chinese media owners, especially the internet ones, are quickly catching up with their international counterparts in terms of advertising income. 中国媒体,特别是网络媒体,在广告收入上正迅速追赶国际同行。 According to the Top 30 Global Media Owners...

  • 芬兰新试验 不用工作就有钱拿

    17-01-08 Finland has started a radical experiment: Its giving 2,000 citizens a guaranteed income, with funds that keep flowing whether participants work or not. 近期,芬兰开始实行一项激进改革试验:为2000名公民提供年保障收入,且无论这2000名公民工作与否,保障...

  • high-income group 高收入人群

    16-12-17 Finance and taxation experts have refuted rumors that individuals whose annual income is more than 120,000 yuan ($17,720) are in the high-income group and will be levied higher tax. 财政和税务专家否认了近期有关年收入12万元以上算高收入人群、要多征税...

  • 高低收入国家在患癌率上越来越不均衡

    15-12-27 The global burden of cancer is shifting dramatically. Once considered a disease of the wealthy, it now has a significant impact in every region, and the greatest proportional increases in cases in the coming years are predicted to be in the poorest...