• boomerang 职场“回头客”

    18-03-01 Boomerang refers to an employee who quits to take another job and later returns to the company. 职场回头客指的是辞职另谋职位后,又返回原公司工作的人。 Boomerang is an employee who is laid off and then rehired as a consultant or contract worker. 职场...

  • 调查:中国人对工作前景最积极

    18-02-09 People in China were found to be the most positive about their job prospects in an era of booming innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), according to a recent survey. 最近公布的一项调查显示,在这个诸如人工智能等创新科技蓬勃发...

  • micro job 微工作

    17-06-16 A micro job is a temporary, task-type job of all types, often booked through the Internet. Work may include online or in-person jobs, such as writing blogs, virtual assistant, handyman, nanny, website design, etc. 微工作是一种临时的任务式工作,可以...

  • moonlighter 月光人

    17-05-26 Moonlighter is a person who holds a second job (usually after hours). 月光人指的是拥有第二职业的人(通常在下班后去做)。 According to the US Department of Labor, about 7 to 8 million of us -- about 5+ percent of all workers -- work multiple jobs (wh...

  • 成功的CEO的共同之处是性格内向

    17-04-23 Getting up early, wearing the same clothes every day, eating eggs for breakfast there are various thing were told CEOs do that may hold the keys to their success. 早早起床,每天穿一样的衣服,早餐吃鸡蛋我们得知首席执行官们做的这些五花八门的事情也许是...

  • 怎么祝人家好运

    17-04-12 1. Best of luck 不要纠结于是不是最好的运气了,这个短语就是在祝你好运。 例:Were sorry that youre leaving. Best of luck to you in your new job. 真遗憾你要走了,祝你新工作一切顺利。 2. Keep ones fingers crossed 祝人家好运,希望事情顺利时,歪果仁常常会...

  • 高盛将打造面向富裕客户的机器人顾问

    17-04-05 Goldman Sachs, known for advising the worlds richest and most powerful, is building a so-called robo-adviser geared to affluent customers, according to a job listing posted on the banks website. 高盛集团一向以为全球最富有最具权势的群体提供咨询服务著...

  • 夜班可能损害女性的生育能力

    17-02-15 Women should stick to the day job if they want to have children after a study found those who work nightshift have fewer eggs. 一项研究发现,上夜班的女性卵子数量更少。想要生育子女的女性应该坚持上白班。 Researchers at Harvard University followed 500...

  • 2017年中国将有795万毕业生

    17-01-24 China is expected to see a record of 7.95 million post-secondary graduates this year, creating even greater employment pressure, the countrys Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security revealed on Monday. 中国人力资源和社会保障部周一表示,2017...

  • 伦敦某公司招募表情符号翻译者

    16-12-27 A company in London has advertised for an emoji translator in what is thought to be the first such job worldwide. 伦敦一家公司已经在招募表情符号翻译者,这应该是世界上第一个这种类型的工作。 The role will involve explaining cross-cultural misunderstan...