• pushing toward one's 30s 奔三

    11-09-01 I'm really worried, she said. My daughter is pushing toward her 30s . She has a busy job and a limited number of acquaintances. I really hope she can get married before 28 and have a baby before 30. 一位母亲说:我真着急。女儿都奔三了,她工作很忙,交...

  • Rebound job 跳板工作

    11-07-10 Rebound job is a job you take knowing that it isn't long term, often due to an emergency situation where you know youre losing your current job. It provides a paycheck while you take your time looking for a better job. 跳板工作指你在接受时就知道不会...

  • 求职者需注重自身职业道德

    11-07-09 Having a good work ethic is more important than skills in securing a first job, according to a new study. 一项新研究显示,在应聘第一份工作时,良好的职业道德比工作技能更重要。 Eight in ten employers rated attitudes to work as important when recruitin...

  • 《重回17岁》五

    11-06-16 影片对白: Mike: I lost my family. Ned: Hey, Mike? If it's any consolation , I think you really did help your kids. You did your job, and now the hero can move on . Mike: I don't want to. Maybe they don't need me anymore, but I need them. Ned: Hey,...

  • 欧盟五月份服务业增长缓慢

    11-06-05 Growth in the eurozone services sector slowed slightly in May, while business confidence fell to its lowest level in a year-and-a-half, a survey suggests. 一项调查显示,五月份欧盟地区服务业增长缓慢,商业信心降到近一年半以来的最低点。 The closely-wat...

  • 奥巴马演讲 扩大美国国内的石油产量

    11-05-23 Recently, there have been signs that the economy is picking up steam. Last month, we saw the strongest job growth in five years, and have added more than three-quarters of a million private sector jobs in just three months. But there are still too m...

  • 奥巴马演讲 阻止石油市场舞弊

    11-05-23 This is a time of year when people get together with family and friends to observe Passover and to celebrate Easter. Its a chance to give thanks for our blessings and reaffirm our faith, while spending time with the people we love. We all know how i...

  • 职业压力状况大调查

    11-04-24 Stressed out by your job and looking for a change? Chances are you work in media, and maybe should consider something in health care. 感到工作压力太大,想寻求改变?十有八九你是在媒体工作,也许你可以考虑从事保健行业。 A new report on the most, and le...

  • 晴雯补裘

    11-04-18 As Xi Ren, the leading service girl who had taken care of Baoyu was away to visit her home, the duties, and the charge of Yihongyuan Court, fell on Qing Wen. A girl anxious to excel in(胜过,擅长) everything, Qing Wen did everything personally. Fo...

  • 奥巴马演讲 建设21世纪清洁能源经济2

    11-04-17 But times are still tough. A lot of people out there are still looking for work. And Ill be honest with you, not every manufacturing job that used to be here from the steel companies are going to come back -- because if you go to a steel plant now t...