• 爱尔兰公布财政紧缩计划

    10-11-25 The Irish government has unveiled a range of tough austerity measures designed to help solve the country's debt crisis. 爱尔兰政府公布了一系列旨在解决国家债务危机的紧缩措施。 Among the spending cuts and tax rises are a reduction in the minimum wage,...

  • job reshuffle 换岗

    10-11-25 《中国日报》的报道: At least 3,000 police officials in Chongqing are facing a major job reshuffle to clean up the police force tainted by its protection of several organized gangs. 重庆将有至少3000名警察面临大换岗,此次换岗的目的是对有黑帮保护伞之...

  • 轮班工作会增加工伤危险

    10-11-03 Canadians who work night and rotating shifts(轮流换班) are almost twice as likely to be injured on the job than those working regular day shifts, according to a study by researchers at the University of British Columbia. The study, published in th...

  • Organization Plan of the Future

    10-10-29 The exec(执行,主任参谋) was making a presentation to the company board: Computers have allowed us to cut costs, he explained. We expect even more dramatic improvements as computers become increasingly self-sufficient. He unveiled(公开,揭幕) a...

  • 经济衰退拉近老板雇员的关系

    10-10-17 Few bosses need worry that their employees want their jobs as most workers are just happy to be employed and one fifth would even have a fling with their boss if it helped their career, according to a US survey. 根据美国的一项调查,老板们基本上不需...

  • 枯萎的花瓣可保护种子的成熟

    10-09-25 Contrary to a thousand face cream(面霜,雪花膏) adverts, the secret of fertility might not be eternal(永恒的,不朽的) youth. Research by the ecologist Dr. Carlos Herrera, a Professor of Research at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientfi...

  • 奥巴马演讲 实现我们的理想2

    10-09-19 So youve got an obligation to yourselves, and America has an obligation to you, to make sure youre getting the best education possible. And making sure you get that kind of education is going to take all of us working hard and all of us working hand...

  • 奥巴马演讲 俄亥俄州民宅谈经济10

    10-08-23 Q I've got a very general question. THE PRESIDENT: Okay, go ahead. Q Its a very general question, here. I work on Wall Street. I was wondering what kind of changes we can expect to see in the reform in the next couple years. THE PRESIDENT: Well, her...

  • 奥巴马演讲 给美国的失业者提供救济

    10-07-26 THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. Right now, across this country, many Americans are sitting at the kitchen table, theyre scanning the classifieds(分类广告) , theyre updating their resumes or sending out another job application, hoping that...

  • 日本企业开拓海外市场 要求员工说英语

    10-07-17 In a bid to plug dwindling domestic consumption by tapping into overseas markets, some of Japan's big-name retailers are telling their employees to start speaking English -- or find another job. 为开拓海外市场,弥补日益减少的国内消费,日本一些知名零...