• lady-friendly 女士友好型

    22-09-29 百事公司首席执行官卢英德(Indra Nooyi)在近期一档博客采访中展示男性和女性在消费百事公司旗下的脆片产品多力多滋明显的不同方式时,有些失言。卢英德说女性不喜欢在公共场合大声地嘎吱嘎吱嚼薯片。她们也会介意舔手指,或把剩余的碎渣倒在嘴里吃。为了解决这些吃零...

  • 莴苣姑娘 3

    21-10-04 Upon seeing Rapunzel, the Prince fell instantly in love with her. He said, You are the most beautiful lady in the world. Rapunzel also lost her heart to the handsome prince. The two lovers met each other every night, hiding from the eyes of the witc...

  • 莴苣姑娘 2

    21-10-04 After a while, his wife got pregnant and gave birth to a pretty girl. The witch swiftly crept off with the baby girl and disappeared into the forest. 没过多久,妻子怀孕了,生了一个漂亮的女孩。女巫很快就偷走了小女孩,消失在森林里。 She gave the name...

  • bag lady 无家可归的女子

    21-08-30 Bag lady: A homeless woman, especially one in a big city, who carries her possessions with her, as in a shopping bag. 无家可归的女子,她们通常生活在大城市,把自己的东西背在购物袋中。 Bag it: Literally, to put or take something in a bag, such as groc...

  • lady's finger 秋葵

    21-06-15 前两天有网友在我公众号留言,问我秋葵的英语为什么是ladys finger(女士的手指) 我也是好奇,因为秋葵的英语名称在我脑海中一直是okra(/kr/)。 网友这一问,我立马查了一下google图片搜索,ladys finger还真的是秋葵: 我顺便查了一下quora,还真有人问过为什么秋...

  • The Incognito Lounge

    21-06-07 The Incognito Lounge Denis Johnson The manager lady of this apartment dwelling has a face like a baseball with glasses and pathetically repeats herself. The man next door has a dog with a face that talks of stupidity to the night, the swimming pool...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 15

    21-05-06 Miss Crawford accepted the part very readily; and soon after Miss Bertrams return from the Parsonage, Mr. Rushworth arrived, and another character was consequently cast. He had the offer of Count Cassel and Anhalt, and at first did not know which to...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 5

    21-05-06 The young people were pleased with each other from the first. On each side there was much to attract, and their acquaintance soon promised as early an intimacy as good manners would warrant. Miss Crawfords beauty did her no disservice with the Miss...

  • 几个英语中的外来词

    21-04-15 1 Babushka (from Russian) 祖母,外婆,婆婆头巾(俄语) 在俄语中,这个词表示祖母,外婆,但在英语中它通常指一块围巾或头巾,你可以想象一下一位俄罗斯老婆婆戴的那种。所以一个女生或女士将围巾围在头上,有时候人们会戏称她们是老婆婆。 例句: I saw an old lady...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 34

    21-03-18 Every body in and about Highbury who had ever visited Mr. Elton, was disposed to pay him attention on his marriage. Dinner-parties and evening-parties were made for him and his lady; and invitations flowed in so fast that she had soon the pleasure o...