• 拉美国家适宜退休后养老

    12-01-16 Retirees looking to stretch their pensions might consider spending their golden years in Ecuador, Panama or Mexico, where cost of living is low and the weather is warm, according to a new index. 想更好地利用养老金的退休人员可以考虑到厄瓜多尔、巴拿马...

  • 减少工作时间有助经济增长?

    12-01-16 Working less hours each week will help boost the economy by creating more jobs and improving quality of life, according to a think tank. 据某智囊机构称,减少每周工作时间有助于创造更多工作岗位,提升生活质量,推动经济增长。 The New Economics Foundatio...

  • Helpless love

    12-01-12 Once upon a time all feelings and emotions went to a coastal island for a vacation, and each was having a good time. Suddenly, a warning of an impending(即将发生的) storm was announced and everyone was advised to evacuate the island. The announcem...

  • Moxons Master 4

    11-12-28 'Do you happen to recall Herbert Spencer's definition of life? I read it thirty years ago. He may have altered it afterward, for anything I know, but in all that time I have been unable to think of a single word that could profitably be changed or a...

  • 33岁后人们开始不再自私

    11-12-25 When you're fed up with self-obsessed twenty-somethings, try to remember that they'll be 33 one day. 当你对那些以自我为中心的二十多岁的人忍无可忍时,你可以想想有一天他们也会到33岁的。 For that's the age when they lose the 'all about me' attitude, re...

  • The 50% Theory of Life

    11-12-21 I believe in the 50-percent theory. Half the time things are better than normal; the other half, they are worse. I believe life is a pendulum(钟摆) swing. It takes time and experience to understand what normal is, and that gives me the perspective...

  • 美国总统寿命长但衰老快

    11-12-10 从豪宅到专机,享受诸多特权的美国总统们,也有着比常人更多的压力和烦恼。按常理,他们应该衰老的更快。但是美国一项研究表明,总统们老得快但寿命长。 The American presidency comes with perks(特权) , from a very nice house to a handy jet at your disposal,...

  • I'm the Only One - 1

    11-12-09 She was my sister and she was sleeping late. She's a lot older than me and at the time she was about to break into films, directing them, so everybody was indulging(沉迷) her. She was the only girl, too. If something didn't work out in her life an...

  • 《良医妙药》一

    11-12-01 精彩对白 Kate: Yeah, let's up her breathing treatments today. John Crowley: What's going on? Kate: Just a cold. She's awfully congested . John Crowley: Call the doc just to be on the safe side ? Mrs Crowley: Yeah, I left word . John Crowley: Sweetie...

  • 古环境促使了生物多样性的变化

    11-11-25 Much of our knowledge about past life has come from the fossil record -- but how accurately does that reflect the true history and drivers of biodiversity on Earth? It's a question that goes back a long way to the time of Darwin, who looked at the f...