• 中国互联网企业100强 阿里巴巴居首

    19-08-15 The e-commerce giant Alibaba Group has topped a list of Chinas top 100 Internet companies, followed by social networking giants Tencent and Baidu, The Paper reported on Wednesday. 电商巨头阿里巴巴集团登顶中国互联网企业100强,随后是腾讯和百度。 The t...

  • 良渚古城遗址向公众开放

    19-07-08 The Liangzhu Archaeological Ruins, Chinas latest entry on the UNESCO World Heritage List, started accepting public visitors on Sunday. 良渚古城遗址,中国最大的世界文化遗产,周日起开始向游客开放。 Located on the river plain on the outskirts of Hangzh...

  • 清华北大世界排名创新高

    19-06-20 Tsinghua University and Peking University have climbed to their highest positions on record in the QS World University Rankings compiled by the higher education analysts QS Quacquarelli Symonds. 清华大学和北京大学在QS世界大学排名上的位置达到有史以来...

  • 马云成为2019胡润榜最富有的中国人

    19-02-27 Ma Yun, or Jack Ma, founder of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group, has topped the latest edition of the Hurun Global Rich List for 2019. 阿里巴巴集团创始人马云成为2019胡润全球富豪榜最富有的中国人。 With a net worth of 260 billion yuan ($39 billi...

  • 第38届香港电影金像奖公布提名名单

    19-02-13 The 38th Hong Kong Film Awards (HKFA) announced its nomination list in Hong Kong on Tuesday. 第38届香港电影金像奖周二公布提名名单。 The hosts of this years ceremony include Hong Kong actors Louis Koo and Teresa Mo, who announced the nominees. Action...

  • 马云入选2019百名全球思想家

    19-01-22 Alibaba Founder Jack Ma has been listed among 2019s list of top 100 global thinkers by Foreign Policy magazine. Jack Ma is the only Chinese entrepreneur ranked, reports Chinanews.com. 阿里巴巴创始人马云被《外交策略》杂志选入2019百名全球思想家名单。...

  • 中国民企500强 华为居榜首

    18-08-29 China on Wednesday unveiled its latest ranking for 500 largest private enterprises, with telecom equipment giant Huawei and e-commerce firm Suning atop the list. 本周三,中国公布最新民营企业500强,电讯设备巨头华为和电商企业苏宁位居榜首。 The list by...

  • 全球100宜居城市 中国10个上榜

    18-08-20 Ten Chinese cities have been listed on the Economist Intelligence Units 2018 ranking of the 100 best cities to live in the world. 经济学人智库2018世界100最宜居城市排名,中国有10个城市上榜。 Hong Kong, Taipei and Suzhou rank the 35th, 58th and 74th r...

  • 福布斯公布2018中国慈善排行榜

    18-08-01 The most generous 100 entrepreneurs in China donated a total of 17.31 billion yuan (around 2.54 billion U.S. dollars) last year, the largest amount donated by the grouping in six years, and far ahead of the 10.38 billion yuan donated in 2016, accord...

  • “最脏果蔬”榜 草莓蝉联榜首

    18-04-14 Once again, strawberries top the list of the 12 dirtiest fruits and vegetables, according to the Environmental Working Group. 根据环境工作组发布的报告,草莓再次名列12种最脏果蔬榜单之首。 The list, published each year since 2004, ranks popular fruits...