• 几组拼写易混淆的英文单词

    22-05-12 1. socialite / socialist 社交名流 / 社会主义者 例句: a wealthy socialite 富有的社交界名流 He was a socialist all his life. 他一生都是个社会主义者。 2. definitely / defiantly 绝对地 / 挑衅地 例句: He definitely said hed be here. 他肯定地说了他会到...

  • 九月上映新片

    21-09-01 在7次改换档期后,丹尼尔克雷格的最后一部邦德电影终于确定将在九月份和大家见面。同样令人期待的还有漫威的首部亚裔超级英雄电影《尚气》和亚马逊版真人电影《灰姑娘》。 No Time to Die《007:无暇赴死》 At last! Its release has been delayed again and again, an...

  • 《龙牌之谜》8月16日上映

    19-08-09 An upcoming movie, Mystery of the Dragons Seal: Journey To China, which sees Chinas famous martial artist Jackie Chan and the American action star Arnold Schwarzenegger pitted against each other, is due out in cinemas across China on August 16. 中国...

  • 李小龙祖居修缮后重新开放

    19-03-25 Bruce Lees former residence in Yong-qing-fang, Guangzhou reopened to the public after a three-month renovation period. 李小龙在广州永庆坊的祖居经过三个月的修缮后重新向公众开放。 The residence, bought by Bruce Lees father, Li Haiquan, is a two-storey...

  • 著名武侠作家金庸离世

    18-10-31 Famous Chinese martial arts novelist Louis Cha Leung-yung, more widely known by his pen name Jin Yong, died at 94 at a hospital in Hong Kong on Tuesday. 中国知名武侠小说家查良镛,更广为人知的笔名金庸,周二在香港某医院离世,享年94岁。 Sources close t...

  • 阿富汗版李小龙在中国走红

    18-01-29 Abbas Alizada, a young man from Afghanistan, is gaining increasing fame in China for his martial arts skills, cankaoxiaoxi.com reported. 参考消息网报道,一位年轻的阿富汗男子Abbas Alizada因武术在中国的知名度不断提高。 Called the Afghan Bruce Lee, Ali...

  • 同道异功

    15-11-10 During the Spring and Autumn Period, a Shi family in the State of Lu had two sons. One of them studied liberal arts and the other martial arts. The son who studied liberal arts went to the State of Qi to advocate his doctrines, which were well recei...

  • 杨紫琼角色俞秀莲入驻香港杜莎夫人蜡像馆

    15-07-28 Malaysian actress Michelle Yeoh had one of her most famous characters honored at Madame Tussauds in Hong Kong on Monday. 本周一,马来西亚籍女演员杨紫琼最著名的角色之一入驻香港杜莎夫人蜡像馆。 The actress' martial arts character Yu Shu Lien from the...

  • 婚姻的压力容易使人忧郁

    14-04-28 Marital stress may make people more vulnerable to depression, according to a recent study by University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers and their colleagues. The long-term study, published in the April 2014 Journal of Psychophysiology, shows that p...

  • 武术练习可增强骨质疏松症患者体质

    10-04-23 Martial arts(武术) could be the key to helping osteoporosis(骨质疏松症) sufferers fall more safely. A study published in the open access journal BMC Research Notes has found that martial arts training can likely be carried out safely. Brenda Gro...
