• 同off连用的动词短语

    22-10-19 单词 off 虽小,但是作用大,因为它可以改变一个动词的意思! 1. Since so many stakeholders are busy, we are _________ todays meeting until tomorrow. a) pulling off b) making off c) holding off d) putting off 2. Which phrasal verb means to stop employin...

  • play one's trump card 利用优势

    22-06-10 Play ones trump card use the advantage especially when others do not know about it 打出王牌 - 利用优势,尤其是别人不知道的优势 例句: The CEO played his trump card by promising a dividend payout at the shareholders meeting. (Card game) 首席执行官在...

  • off the cuff 未加思索,即兴

    22-05-20 短语 off the cuff 的意思是 发言未经准备或计划,未加思索。它的合成形容词是 off-the-cuff(即兴的),注意词与词之间需要加上连字符。 例句 I didnt have any time to prepare my presentation for the meeting, so I just spoke about the project off the cuff....

  • 国务院常务会议部署促进消费的政策举措

    22-04-15 国务院总理李克强4月13日主持召开国务院常务会议,部署促进消费的政策举措,助力稳定经济基本盘和保障改善民生。 China will adopt policy measures to boost consumption as part of efforts to keep economic fundamentals stable to ensure and improve peoples liv...

  • 十三届全国人大常委会第三十三次会议在北京闭幕

    22-03-03 2月28日,十三届全国人大常委会第三十三次会议在北京闭幕。 The Standing Committee of the 13th National Peoples Congress (NPC), Chinas top legislature, concluded its 33rd session Monday in Beijing. 十三届全国人大常委会第三十三次会议28日上午在北京人民大...

  • to duck out of 避开

    21-12-28 短语 to duck out of something 意思就是避开什么东西或者避开做什么事情。 例句 Frank tried to duck out of going to the restaurant by pretending he was ill. She ducked out of her responsibilities and didnt attend the important meeting. 请注意 如果有人形...