• Northanger Abbey - Chapter 28

    21-11-29 Soon after this, the general found himself obliged to go to London for a week; and he left Northanger earnestly regretting that any necessity should rob him even for an hour of Miss Morlands company, and anxiously recommending the study of her comfo...

  • 拖延,耽搁

    21-11-23 1. Hold off事情不抓紧做,延迟、推迟都可以用这个短语表示。 Lets hold off making a decision until next week. 我们延到下周再作决定吧。 2. Sit on (sth)坐在某件事上,说明没有开始行动,意思是拖延,类似的表达还有sleep on,指的是留着等第二天再说。 Lets sit...

  • duck 把头低下或弯下腰

    21-09-02 让某人 duck 的意思是让此人把头低下或弯下腰来躲避某物的碰击。 例句 As I walked in the door someone shouted Duck! But it was too late and I hit my head. The batsman shouted Duck! as he hit the ball right at where the spectators were standing. 请注意...

  • to duck out of something 避开

    21-08-17 短语 to duck out of something 意思就是避开什么东西或者避开做什么事情。 例句 Frank tried to duck out of going to the restaurant by pretending he was ill. She ducked out of her responsibilities and didnt attend the important meeting. 请注意 如果有人形...

  • get down to business 言归正传

    21-06-16 Get down to business 是日常会话中很常用的英语表达。它的意思是 进入正题、言归正传,用来建议开始着手讨论正事或处理手头的事情。 例句 Right, now that everyone has met, lets get down to business. 好了,现在大家都互相认识了,我们就进入正题吧。 OK, we have...

  • regards 祝好,致敬

    21-04-16 单词 regards 是一个常见的电子邮件结束语。它被用在商务邮件中来向关系友好却不熟识的人表示敬意,意思是 祝好、诚挚的问候。注意,以它作为结束语时,首字母应该大写,后面接英文的逗号,署名需另起一行,即: Regards, XXX 在电子邮件中使用 Regards 可以表现出在与...

  • FYI 供你参考

    21-01-31 FYI 是 for your information 的缩写,意思是 供你参考。人们用 FYI 快速、简单地告诉他人自己将提供一些别人原本可能不知道的信息。 FYI 既可以用于句首,也可以用于句尾。它多被用在书面语中,但也越来越多地被用于口语交流中。 例句 FYI, the meeting time has been...

  • uphold multilateralism 维护多边主义

    21-01-28 1月25日,国家主席习近平在北京以视频方式出席世界经济论坛达沃斯议程对话会并发表特别致辞,阐述了中国的多边主义立...

  • 所有的会议都是必要的吗?

    20-12-09 Its time for another meeting! If you have a job, the chances are some of your working week will be taken up attending a few of them. You and your colleagues will gather together in a meeting room, be talked at for an hour and come out wondering what...

  • 《Blood Diamond》血钻

    20-11-28 Blood Diamond is a 2006 American political war thriller film co-produced and directed by Edward Zwick, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Connelly and Djimon Hounsou. Set in 1990s Sierra Leone, Blood Diamond is the story of Danny Archer (Leonardo...