• 叙利亚数十位基督徒被绑架

    15-02-25 Dozens of people, said to be Christians, have reportedly been abducted by Islamic State militants in Syria. 据报道,叙利亚数十人被伊斯兰国激进分子绑架,据称他们都是基督徒。 The militants have reportedly overrun a string of Assyrian villages an area...

  • 以色列对导弹袭击将强硬回应

    15-01-29 Isreali Prime Minister is vowing to respond forcefully to missile attack from Hezbollah militants. 以色列总理立誓将对真主党激进分子的导弹袭击做出强硬回应。 Burning vehicles are seen near the village of Ghajar on Israel's border with Lebanon January...

  • 法国向中东派遣航母对抗伊斯兰武装分子

    15-01-15 The French government has announced that it's sending an aircraft carrier to the Middle East to work more closely with the US-led coalition fighting Islamic State militants. 法国政府宣布将向中东地区派遣一艘航空母舰与美国领导的多国联军进行更紧密的合...

  • 马里呼吁联合国协助对抗伊斯兰激进分子

    14-10-09 Mali has asked the UN to send a rapid intervention force to fight Islamist militants in the north of the country. 马里请求联合国派遣一支快速干预部队以对抗国内北部的伊斯兰教激进分子。 Malian Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop told the UN Security Counci...

  • 三千多欧洲人加入伊斯兰武装

    14-09-26 The number of Europeans joining Islamist fighters in Syria and Iraq has risen to more than 3,000, the EU's anti-terrorism chief has told the BBC. 欧盟反恐主管向BBC透露,在叙利亚和伊拉克加入伊斯兰武装分子的欧洲人已超过三千。 Islamic State has declare...

  • 乌干达警方缴获沙巴布大量爆炸物

    14-09-15 Police in Uganda say they have seized large amounts of explosives during raids on suspected al-Shabab militants. 乌干达警方称,他们在突袭中缴获了嫌疑沙巴布激进分子的大量爆炸物。 Ugandan authorities urged the public to remain vigilant amid fears that...

  • 美国将对伊斯兰激进分子进行打击

    14-09-11 US President Barack Obama says he will not hesitate to take action against Islamic State (IS) militants in Syria as well as Iraq. 美国总统奥巴马称,对叙利亚以及伊拉克的伊斯兰激进分子,他将毫不犹豫地采取行动。 In a nationally televised speech outlini...

  • 乌克兰总统宣布与反叛者终止停火协议

    14-07-01 Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has ended a unilateral ceasefire with separatists in the east, saying: We will attack, we will free our land. 乌克兰总统佩特罗波罗申科宣布终止与东部叛乱分子的单边停火计划,宣称:我们将发动攻击,我们将解放自己的领...

  • 尼日利亚村庄遭‘博科圣地’袭击

    14-06-30 Four villages in north-eastern Nigeria have been attacked by suspected Boko Haram militants. 尼日利亚西北部四个村庄遭博科圣地嫌疑激进分子袭击。 The bodies of at least 40 civilians and six militants have been recovered, a local vigilante(义务警员)...

  • 肯尼亚伊斯兰武装分子发动袭击 48人死亡

    14-06-16 At least 48 people have died after suspected Islamist militants attacked hotels and a police station in a Kenyan coastal town, officials say. 伊斯兰嫌疑武装分子袭击了肯尼亚一座海滨小城内的几家宾馆和警察局,造成至少48人死亡。 Witnesses in Mpeketoni s...