• ice missile 冰弹

    15-04-13 Ice missile is a chunk of ice that flies off the roof of a moving vehicle. 冰弹指的是从移动的车辆顶部飞落的大块儿冰块。 Anyone who lives or drives regularly in one of the cold-weather states has probably observed the phenomenon: A massive chunk of i...

  • 美国:俄罗斯违反1987核导弹条约

    14-07-29 Russia has violated a key arms control treaty by testing a nuclear cruise missile, the US government says. 美国政府称,俄罗斯测试一枚核巡航导弹的行为违反了一项关键的军备控制条约。 The agreement was signed towards the end of the Cold War by Mikhail G...

  • 乌克兰叛军首领否认拥有布克导弹

    14-07-24 A pro-Russian rebel leader in eastern Ukraine has said his forces do not possess the Buk missile thought to have downed Malaysia airlines flight MH17. 乌克兰东部亲俄派叛军的一位首领称,他的武装军并未持有布克导弹。据悉是该型号导弹将马航MH17航班击落。...

  • 马航客机MH17在乌克兰被导弹击中坠毁

    14-07-21 A passenger jet has reportedly crashed in eastern Ukraine in an area where separatist rebels have been engaging Ukrainian military forces in recent weeks. 有报道称一架客机在乌克兰东部地区坠毁,该地区是乌克兰分裂叛乱分子在近几周与乌克兰军队交战的地区...

  • 朝鲜或进行导弹测试 韩国提升警戒度

    13-04-10 South Korea has raised its surveillance alert level amid indications that North Korea is preparing for a missile test. 有迹象显示朝鲜正在准备一项导弹测试,韩国因此提升了警戒级别。 At least one previously untested missile with a 3,000km (2,000-mile)...

  • 朝鲜半岛局势迫使美国延缓导弹试验

    13-04-07 The US has delayed an intercontinental ballistic missile test scheduled for next week, defence officials say. 美国国防部官员称,美国延缓了一项原定于下周进行的洲际导弹试验。 The Minuteman 3 test was put off over concerns it could be misinterpreted by...

  • Smart defense 巧防御

    13-01-16 The Smart Defense notion was first broached by NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen in February 2011 in response to the financial constraints facing the transatlantic community and the yawning gap in defense capabilities between Washington a...

  • 朝鲜举行金正日逝世周年纪念

    12-12-17 North Korea has held a ceremony to mark a year since the death of Kim Jong-il. 朝鲜举行前领导人金正日逝世一周年纪念仪式。 Kim Jong-un and his wife were shown paying their respects at the palace New leader Kim Jong-un and his wife paid their respects...

  • 美军将严密监视朝鲜火箭发射

    12-12-07 The US is moving navy ships into position to track a North Korean rocket due to launch later this month. 美国将部署海军战舰以监视朝鲜本月末的火箭发射活动。 The warships were moved to achieve the best situational awareness, the US military chief in t...

  • 北约将在土耳其部署导弹拦截器

    12-12-04 Nato is set to approve the deployment of Patriot missile interceptors to defend Turkey's border with Syria. 北约将批准在土耳其与叙利亚国界处部署爱国者导弹拦截器。 Syrian mortars reportedly aimed at rebels close to the border have strayed into Turkey...