• 日本公司研发出仿真人脸面具

    11-10-16 Now this is a gap in the market no one had seen before. Plucky Japanese start-up Real-f offers you the chance to 'see yourself' as never before. 日本新兴企业Real-f公司日前研发出仿真人脸面具,大胆地填补了这一市场空白。拥有了自己的第二张脸,你会发现从...

  • China model 中国模式

    11-10-11 Up until today, China's political and economic system has yet to be perfected, and the China model is evolving based on world and Chinese experiences. 直到今日,中国的政治和经济体制仍需要进一步完善,中国模式正在世界和本国的经验基础上不断发展。 文中...

  • 美女模特并不总带来销量

    11-06-16 Having an attractive model shill(充当雇用骗子) for a product only helps influence sales in certain situations, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research. It seems it all depends on the set-up for the advertising. Sometimes attra...

  • Cyber model 网络模特

    11-01-19 Cyber model , or ma dou in Chinese, is an emerging occupation amid a boom in the country's online shopping. Cyber models do not strut the catwalk. They pose for pictures that get posted online for stores to showcase their products. 网络模特,又称麻...

  • 加州大学生物学家完成水螅基因组定序

    10-03-15 UC Irvine researchers have played a leading role in the genome sequencing of Hydra, a freshwater polyp(珊瑚虫,水螅虫) that has been a staple(主题) of biological research for 300 years. In the March 14 online version of Nature, UCI biologists Ro...

  • 简析植株体液循环

    10-02-25 Combined mechanisms(组合机构) of transport have important applicationstransport of nutrients across cell membranes(细胞膜) in plants and animals, the aeration(通风,充气) of agricultural soils, performance of chemical reactors, the design of m...

  • 比例模型 scale model

    09-09-21 9月8日,中国商用飞机有限责任公司在09年亚洲航展上展出了C919外形样机,C919客机是我国首架国产大型客机,这也是它首次在世人面前亮相。 请看新华社的报道: The Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China displayed a scale model of its jetliner C919, the countr...

  • 局部模特 body parts model

    09-08-16 只要你身体某个部位长得漂亮,也能成为超模。如今,局部模特在模特行业中细分出来,在一些大城市,局部模特非常抢手,出场费也是水涨船高。 请看新华社的报道: Ashly Covington is the kind of top model earning 1,200 dollars in a day. As one of the few full-tim...

  • Michael Jackson fans flock to see Egyptian model 'lookalike'

    09-08-16 Egyptian Michael Jackson: The limestone statue has gaunt cheeks, glaring eyes and - most strikingly - a tipless nose. Michael Jackson fans are flocking to a Chicago museum to see a 3,000 year old Egyptian model which looks remarkably like the late k...

  • Berlusconi's daughter raps dad over model scandal 意总理女儿

    09-08-08 Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's daughter has said she was amazed by the attention her father lavished on a teenage model, in a rare criticism of the scandal-hit leader by one of his children. Barbara Berlusconi, 25, also told Vanity Fair...