• 剑蛋白对维持细胞骨架起重要作用

    13-10-25 Just as our bodies have skeletons, so do our cells. They're equally indispensible(不可缺少的) in both cases. Without our bony skeletons we'd go limp and fall down. And without our cytoskeletons(细胞骨架) , our cells, which come in roughly 200 di...

  • 美国小姐妹制作出可运转的火星探测器模型

    13-08-30 Meet Camille and Genevieve Beatty, who at 13 and 11 are being hailed for building a functioning scale model of the Mars rover that is now a permanent fixture at the famed New York Hall of Science. 美国北卡罗莱纳州的一对小姐妹自己动手,制作出能够实际...

  • 利用鸵鸟模拟蜥脚类脖子运动方式

    13-08-16 A new analysis of ostriches(鸵鸟) reveals that a computer model of long-necked sauropods(蜥脚类动物) used to simulate the dinosaurs' movements, featured in BBC's Walking with Dinosaurs and the focus of an installation at the American Museum of N...

  • 计算机模拟人脑白日梦模型

    13-07-13 Scientists have created a virtual model of the brain that daydreams like humans do. Researchers created the computer model based on the dynamics of brain cells and the many connections those cells make with their neighbors and with cells in other br...

  • 游戏策略数学模型能用来探测恐怖主义网络?

    13-05-19 The answer is yes, according to a paper in the SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics. In a paper published in the journal last month, authors Anthony Bonato, Dieter Mitsche, and Pawel Pralat describe a mathematical model to disrupt flow of informatio...

  • 未来30年美国东北部将出现暖冬气候

    12-12-13 A new high-resolution climate study by University of Massachusetts Amherst climate scientists, the first to apply regional climate models to examine likely near-term changes in temperature and precipitation across the Northeast United States, sugges...

  • 日本公司推3D胎儿模型打印服务

    12-12-03 Expectant parents in Japan who can't wait to show the world what their baby will look like can now buy a 3D model of the fetus to pass around their friends. 迫不及待地向大家展示自己宝宝模样的日本准爸准妈们如今可以购买3D胎儿模型,来让亲友一睹为快了。...

  • 伤寒症动物模型有助研制更好的疫苗

    12-10-26 The first mouse model of the common bacterial disease typhoid fever(伤寒症) is reported in a study published by Cell Press October 25 in the journal Cell. Because the animals show human-like symptoms and respond positively to immunization, they co...

  • post-crisis development model 后危机时代发展模式

    12-08-29 Jiang Yi, an expert on Russian studies with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that regional countries are seeking a post-crisis development model . 中国社会科学院俄罗斯研究所专家姜毅指出,区域各国正在寻求一个后危机时代的发展模式。 文中的p...

  • 气候变化模型未充分考虑物种灭绝

    12-01-05 Predictions of the loss of animal and plant diversity around the world are common under models of future climate change. But a new study shows that because these climate models don't account for species competition and movement, they could grossly(...