• 女生发自拍的真正意义

    15-06-23 Model Holly Carpenter, 23, from Dublin, has decided to address the subject head-on by revealing the secret meaning behind women's Snapchat photos. 来自都柏林的23岁女模Holly Carpenter决定来点直接的,她在网络上揭示了女生发自拍的真正意义。 Holly, who w...

  • 红旗将生产一款25万以下的廉价车型

    15-04-14 Chinese luxury auto maker Redflag has announced plans to launch a low-end model to try to cater to the middle-class. 中国高档车生产商红旗计划推出一部廉价车型以迎合中产阶级的需求。 Redflag is launching a new model of sedan which is priced below 250-t...

  • Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 27

    15-04-02 The fifth was thirty-two; she was four months pregnant; with an oval, somewhat melancholic face, large soulful eyes; she was very pale, her health was delicate, she had a harmonious voice but the rest seemed somehow spoiled. She was naturally libert...

  • garage kit 手办

    15-03-16 A garage kit or resin kit is an assembly scale model kit most commonly cast in polyurethane resin. 手办(garage kit或resin kit)指由聚氨脂树脂制成的比例模型套装。 They are often model figures portraying humans or other living creatures. In Japan, ki...

  • 美国未来人口分布模型

    15-01-21 Researchers at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory have developed a population distribution model that provides unprecedented county-level predictions of where people will live in the U.S. in the coming decades. Initially develo...

  • 俄罗斯九岁女孩成世界知名模特

    14-11-30 Kristina Pimenova may only be nine years old, but she's been a hugely successful model since the age of three, and is widely touted 'the most beautiful girl in the world.' 克里斯汀娜皮曼诺娃虽然只有九岁大,但是她从三岁起便成为了一位十分成功的模特,...

  • 利用数学模型控制褶皱的形成

    14-06-26 Wrinkles, creases and folds are everywhere in nature, from the surface of human skin to the buckled(有扣的) crust of Earth. They can also be useful structures for engineers. Wrinkles in thin films, for example, can help make durable circuit boards...

  • 矮星系不符合星系形成模型

    14-06-12 Dwarf galaxies that orbit the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxies defy the accepted model of galaxy formation, and recent attempts to wedge(挤入) them into the model are flawed, reports an international team of astrophysicists. David Merritt, pro...

  • 李克强总理精彩语录

    14-05-23 干一寸胜过说一尺 Even a small action is a lot more important than a thousand words. 向我们自身粗放的生产和生活方式宣战 We are going to declare a war against our own inefficient and unsustainable model of growth and way of life. 保基本、兜底线、促公...

  • new model of China-US relationship 中美新型大国关系

    14-04-28 Chinese President Xi Jinping met with visiting US Secretary of State John Kerry on Friday morning, pledging China's commitment to a new model of China-US relationship . 中国国家主席习近平周五上午会见了来访的美国国务卿约翰克里,并表示中方坚定致力于同...