• 现代商贸流通体系

    23-07-03 现代商贸流通体系 modern commercial distribution system 国家发展改革委1月24日发布《十四五现代流通体系建设规划》。规划围绕深化现代流通市场化改革、完善现代商贸流通体系、加快发展现代物流体系等6大领域提出任务举措。 The National Development and Reform Com...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 29

    22-07-18 Winter set in. Weeks went to Berlin to attend the lectures of Paulssen, and Hayward began to think of going South. The local theatre opened its doors. Philip and Hayward went to it two or three times a week with the praiseworthy intention of improvi...

  • 古典车迷

    21-03-16 Let me ask you a question: Have you got a car? I own a small car: its a Nissan Micra. I bought her seven years ago from a local car dealer here in London. Although I have been the owner of a Toyota Corolla, a Nissan Sunny and a Honda Accord, this li...

  • 穴居人的消亡可能与狩猎工具的出现无关

    15-04-29 The demise of Neanderthals may have nothing to do with innovative hunting weapons carried by humans from west Asia, according to a new study published in the Journal of Human Evolution. The researchers, from Nagoya University and The University of T...

  • 古代与现代城市并非如此不同

    15-02-25 Despite notable differences in appearance and governance, ancient human settlements function in much the same way as modern cities, according to new findings by researchers at the Santa Fe Institute and the University of Colorado Boulder. Previous r...

  • 现代男性比女性更注重自己的形象

    14-11-02 New research reveals that the modern man is more image-obsessed than ever, spending over four years of his life perfecting his appearance. Women, on the other hand, spend three years. 一项新的调查研究显示,现代的男性与之前相比更注重自己的形象, 一生...

  • 古代定居点与现代城市有相同的发展规则

    14-02-15 Recently derived equations(导出方程) that describe development patterns in modern urban areas appear to work equally well to describe ancient cities settled thousands of years ago, according to a new study led by a researcher at the University of...

  • 神秘的古代人曾穿越华莱士线

    13-10-18 Scientists have proposed that the most recently discovered ancient human relatives -- the Denisovans - somehow managed to cross one of the world's most prominent marine barriers in Indonesia, and later interbred with modern humans moving through the...