• Being A Mother

    22-03-09 Thanks to all who sent in their amusing, embarrassing stories this past week! Being a Mother by Bonnie A. Adkins from Memphis, Tennessee Being a single mother, I wanted to do everything perfectly when it came to raising my son. One day, he came to m...

  • Secretary不都是秘书

    22-03-02 说起办公室里的Secretary,可能我们第一反应出的意思都是秘书,不过下面这个句子要注意了: I chose the tall secretary where mother sat so often writing letters by a sunny window. 翻译这句话时要格外小心,否则就会把tall secretary译成了高个子秘书,岂不闹出...

  • mixed-race 混血的

    22-02-08 如果你是中美混血(父亲美国人,母亲中国人),你就可以说: My father is American and my mother is Chinese. 如果你觉得上面这句话有点长,非得用一个单词来表达混血儿,不要用half-blood,也不要用hybrid,这些词都太硬核,它们用来描述血统不纯的动物或杂交水稻还...

  • walk on eggs/eggshells 小心翼翼地做事;小心谨慎

    22-02-07 在eggshell(蛋壳)上行走或者是滑冰?意思就是要小心翼翼地做事;小心谨慎。 When my mother is staying at our house, I feel like Im walking on eggshells. 当我妈妈住在我们家的时候,我凡事都要小心翼翼。...

  • at one's mother's knee 幼年时或是儿时学到的技能

    22-02-07 At your mothers knee直译过来是在你妈妈的膝上,而实际要表达的是:幼年时或是儿时学到的技能,比如画画,钢琴,舞蹈这些启蒙技能。 举个例子,小白很小的时候就学会了画画,他就可以这样说: I learnt to paint at my mothers knee. 我在幼年时学会了涂色。...

  • Mummy's boy 妈宝男

    22-02-07 Mummys boy指的是:很听妈妈的话,什么事情都让母亲来做主,而自己毫无主见的男生或者成年男性。也就是我们常说的妈宝男! Dont marry him! Hes just a mummys boy. 别嫁给他!他就是一个妈宝男。 Tim is a mummys boy. He left his girlfriend because his mother did...

  • hard time 艰难的日子

    22-01-25 hard time形容艰难的日子,give sb a hard time就是使(某人)日子不好过。 My mother gave me a really hard time (= was angry with me) about staying out late. 我母亲对我在外面呆到很晚感到很生气。...

  • Twilight 暮光之城:暮色 Chapter 15 The Cullens

    22-01-21 The muted light of yet another cloudy day eventually woke me. I lay withmy arm across my eyes, groggy and dazed. Something, a dream trying to beremembered, struggled to break into my consciousness. I moaned and rolledon my side, hoping more sleep wo...

  • loved ones 深爱的人

    22-01-04 Loved one 一般用于我们过世的亲人或最好的朋友。 例句 Some families never adjust to the loss of a loved one. You will be able to bid a final farewell to your loved one at the funeral. 请注意 和其他语言一样,在提到死亡时,人们会仔细考虑用什么样英语表达...

  • milking it 白蹭、榨取

    21-12-28 当某人 milk something 时,意思就是这个人想尽办法从某件事情或人身上取得最大利益。这个短语也带有白蹭或榨取利益的意思。 例句 Marthas mother won a lot of money in the lottery and her daughter has been milking it and buying the most expensive clothes she...