• One Hundred Years of Solitude 百年孤独 Chapter 5

    22-10-17 AURELIANO BUENDA and Remedios Moscote were married one Sunday in March before the altar Father Nicanor Reyna had set up in the parlor. It was the culmination of four weeks of shocks in the Moscote household because little Remedios had reached pubert...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 9

    22-09-13 The first thing I did when I got off at Penn Station, I went into this phone booth. I felt like giving somebody a buzz. I left my bags right outside the booth so that I could watch them, but as soon as I was inside, I couldnt think of anybody to cal...

  • 《魔发奇缘》第26章

    22-09-08 Rapunzel returned to the kingdom with Flynn by her side. By now, everyone had heard about the return of the long-lost princess. (The thugs from the tavern were not exactly a quiet group, especially when it came to romance.) Clutching Flynns hand, Ra...

  • 《魔发奇缘》第24章

    22-09-08 Mother Gothel froze. Her mind ran wild. Her secret was finally exposed. Desperately, she tried to regain control, saying brusquely, Rapunzel, do you even hear yourself? Why would you ask such a ridiculous question? Rapunzel walked past Mother Gothel...

  • 《魔发奇缘》第18章

    22-09-08 Rapunzel gasped as she stared at the shadowed figure of Mother Gothel. Hello, dear, Mother Gothel said. What ... what are you doing here? Rapunzel said, fumbling for words. I mean, how did you find me? Mother Gothel walked up to Rapunzel and gave he...

  • 《头脑特工队》第3章

    22-09-02 Chapter 3 WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?! shouted Fear as he watched Riley and her mother standing at the pizza counter, staring at a slice covered in broccoli. Thats it. Im done, said Disgust. Anger fumed. Congratulations, San Francisco, youve RUINED PIZZA...

  • 《唐顿庄园》英式俚语:绝不会善罢甘休

    22-08-26 1. 绝不会善罢甘休 伯爵夫人对继承人一事仍不死心,她觉得老夫人也不会轻易答应。 Not while your mother breathes air. 老夫人只要尚有余息, 绝不会善罢甘休。 2. 影响食欲 老夫人是唐顿庄园里最有智慧最冷幽默的长者,说话总是一针见血。 Please dont speak that ma...

  • 救助在风暴中失去母亲的小海豹

    22-07-22 Not the most elegant way to have breakfast, but the sort of fish soup in a syringe is keeping these grey seal pups alive. 这并不是最优雅的吃早餐方式,但装在注射器里的鱼汤能帮助维持这些灰海豹幼崽的生命。 For the next five months, the RSPCA team here...

  • cheapskate 小气鬼、吝啬鬼

    22-06-28 Cheapskate: A person who does not like to spend money on people (This is not used as a compliment) 小气鬼、吝啬鬼 例: Thomas did not want to spend $5 on flowers for his mother. What a cheapskate! 托马斯给妈妈买花连5美元都舍不得花,真是太抠门了!...

  • be absent-minded 丢三落四

    22-05-06 丢三落四,汉语成语,意思是不是丢了这个,就是忘了那个,形容做事马虎粗心,同丢三拉四。可以翻译为be forgetful,be absent-minded等。 例句: 她母亲糊里糊涂,丢三落四。 Her mother is scatty and absent-minded....