• bear with me 耐心点儿

    21-12-24 如果你对某人说 bear with me 你的意思是要对方耐心点儿或耐心等一等。 例句 Please bear with me while I make this phone call. Ill be with you shortly. I went to the hospital and the queue was very long. They asked me to bear with them as there was an ep...

  • 与“mother”相关的常用英语表达

    21-10-02 很多国家都在五月的第二个星期日庆祝母亲节,以表达对母亲的爱和感恩。在英语里有一些带有单词 mother 或 mum 的常用表达,它们大多与 母亲 的含义相关,但也有例外。做《英语小测验》,测试你对这些英语表达的掌握程度。 1. Dont tell anyone, its a secret! OK, ____...

  • 17个不可按套路翻译的句子

    21-10-01 1 As luck would have it, he was caught by the teacher again. 不幸的是,他又一次被老师逮个正着。 2 She held the little boy by the right hand. 她抓着小男孩的右手。(这里用by与用with意思区别很大。) 3 Are you there? 等于句型:Do you follow me? 4 If you...

  • t is in someone's genes 某人与其父母的性格或职业选择很相似

    21-09-03 我们用短语 it is in someones genes 来形容某人与其父母的性格或职业选择很相似。 例句 I love motor racing. The love of speed is in my genes. My father was an ambulance driver. Ann is very ambitious. She cant help it, its in her genes. Her parents arriv...

  • bring home the bacon 养家糊口

    21-07-12 Bacon 培根是熏猪肉片的意思,它是英国人饭桌上常见的一种食物。但口语表达bring home the bacon 把培根带回家的含义和这种事物无关,而是指在外挣钱,从而维持家庭生计,也就是养家糊口的意思。 例句 My father stays home and takes care of us and my mother brings...

  • the one 命中注定的另一半

    21-06-29 有些人相信,我们每个人的生命中都有一位会和你相伴终生,而且对你来说独一无二的爱人。在英语中,浪漫说法the one 唯一正表达了此意。The one 指某人命中注定的另一半,唯一,就好比我们俗称的真命天子或真命天女。 例句 My father says he always knew my mother was...

  • 你是最好的妈咪

    21-06-24 An adorable toddler has become an internet sensation for giving her mother a sweet and memorable video for her birthday - with the help of her professional photographer father. 一个蹒跚学步的可爱小女孩在网上走红了,她为过生日的妈妈录制了一段温馨的珍...

  • a chip off the old block 相貌品性酷似父母

    21-06-15 这个口语表达用来描述一个人的性格或外貌酷似自己的父亲或母亲,就如汉语里常说的简直是一个模子里刻出来的。 例句 Mark looks exactly like his dad hes a chip off the old block. 马克太像他爸爸了,简直就是一个模子里刻出来的。 Janes a chip off the old block....

  • Ars Poetica

    21-06-07 Ars Poetica Janiru Liyanage after Aria Aber I broke into english the way a man once broke into my mother. At the halflight of his bite, pink flesh and all teeth. The way my mother once broke into the neighbors dog with her mouth; stole and ate it ra...

  • 介词with的五个主要用法

    21-05-15 With 是一个介词,它有许多不同的意思。由于时间有限,我们接下来只为大家着重讲解 with 最常见的五个用法。 首先,来看一看 with 最基本的用法with 可以表示 与某人或某物在同一个地点 或者 一起参与或做某事。来听一段简短的对话和三个例句。 Examples A: Where is J...