• 《单身日记3:好孕来袭》精彩语句

    17-07-07 1. Im counting on you to head up my media campaign. 我选举的媒体宣传,都靠你了。(head up: 主持,负责) 2. Im not a MILF, Im not even a mum. I am a spinster, Im a SPILF. 我不是陈年美酒,我甚至连孩子都没有。我就是个老处女,一个大龄剩女。 3. More to t...

  • 闫妮与19岁女儿共同出演《我是你妈》

    17-06-12 Golden Eagle award winning actress Yan Ni is to star with her 19-year old daughter in a new film entitled I am Your Mom. 金鹰奖得主闫妮与其19岁女儿将共同出演新电影《我是你妈》。 At an Iqiyi Pictures Seminar held in Beijing, it was revealed that the...

  • The Baby Eagle

    17-05-16 Once upon a time there was a baby eagle living in a nest perched on a cliff overlooking a beautiful valley with waterfalls and streams, trees and lots of little animals, scurrying about enjoying their lives. The baby eagle liked the nest. It was the...

  • 哈里:快30岁时仍很难正视母亲的死亡

    17-04-23 Prince Harry has disclosed that he sought counselling after enduring two years of total chaos while still struggling in his late twenties to come to terms with the death of his mother. 哈里王子透露,他在快30岁的时候他仍然很难正视母亲的死亡,在经历了...

  • “辣眼睛”的地道表达

    17-04-13 1. Hard on the eyes 看到后感到对眼睛是种折磨,是不是有点儿辣眼的意味?这个词组正好说明不好看。 例:Personally, I think Toms new girlfriend is a little hard on the eyes. 我个人觉得汤姆的女友不太好看。 2. Face only a mother could love 俗话说得好儿不嫌...

  • 如何委婉地表达死亡

    17-01-23 1. go to meet ones Maker 注意这个Maker要大写,有造物主的意思,所以去见造物主了就是灵魂回归了,也就是死亡的委婉说法,就像我们也会说某人去见马克思了。 He knew that he came into the world with nothing and that he would go to meet his Maker with empty h...

  • 6个与mother相关的英文表达

    16-12-16 1. mother figure 慈母般的人,母亲的化身 It was similar to having a mother figure -- but she was also our strength and conditioning coach. 她就像我们的母亲一样,同时还兼任我们的力量和健身教练。 2. mothers milk hardly dries on lips 乳臭未干,形容人幼...

  • 意大利离异妈妈当儿子面骂爸爸被罚款

    16-11-04 A mother has been fined 30,000 by an Italian court for criticising her ex-husband in front of their son. 一位离了婚的妈妈在儿子面前指责他爸,被意大利法庭判处罚金3万欧元。 The mother had custody over their youngster and a civil tribunal claimed the w...

  • 1/5的妈妈为孩子取的名字感到后悔

    16-10-05 One in five mothers feels namers remorse and would pick another name for their child if they had the choice, according to a survey before the annual announcement on baby names. 在宣布年度宝贝名字之前,一项调查显示,五分之一的妈妈深感取名者的懊悔,要...

  • 夏洛特的网 Chapter 1

    16-08-18 Wheres Papa going with the ax? said Fern to her mother as they were setting the table for breakfast. Out to the hoghouse, replied Mrs. Arable. Some pigs were born last night. I dont see why he needs an ax, continued Fern, who was only eight. Well, s...