• 民主党提名蒂姆·凯恩为副总统候选人

    16-07-28 U.S. Senator Tim Kaine from Virginia formally accepted the Democratic vice presidential nomination at the 2016 Democratic National Convention on Wednesday. 周三举行的2016年民主党全国大会上,来自弗吉尼亚州的美国参议员蒂姆凯恩正式接受民主党的副总统提...

  • 希拉里正式被任命为民主党总统候选人

    16-07-27 Hillary Clinton was formally anointed Democratic presidential candidate here on Tuesday, becoming the first woman to run for the White House on behalf of a major U.S. political party. 当地时间本周二,希拉里克林顿正式被任命为民主党总统候选人,成为第...

  • 法瑞尔·史密斯获英国古典音乐奖双提名

    10-04-14 Britain's Got Talent star Faryl Smith and Pope Benedict will compete for a prize at the Classical Brit Awards, which takes place next month. 《英国达人》明星法瑞尔史密斯与教皇本笃十六世将于下月角逐英国古典音乐奖。 Faryl Smith (l) is the youngest art...

  • 金球奖提名揭晓 《悬而未决》领跑

    09-12-20 Film drama Up in the Air soared away with six Golden Globe nominations on Tuesday, more than any film, while Sandra Bullock, Meryl Streep and Matt Damon each earned two nominations for the major awards show. 金球奖提名于本周二揭晓,剧情片《悬而未决...
