• 美国作家发行世界首部“自毁小说”

    15-02-12 The world's first self-destructing novel is being offered by James Patterson. 世界上第一部自毁小说问世,作者是美国作家詹姆斯帕特森。 For 200,000 one fan will get 24 hours to read his latest book before it explodes. Although the precise detail of the...

  • chick noir 女性黑色小说

    14-10-15 The expression chick noir describes a type of novel which usually has a female author, features strong female protagonists and is written with women as its target audience, but unlike the classically 'girlie' topics of love, romance and domestic hum...

  • A Promise 承诺

    14-04-15 The landlady said to the hard-up author: When will you pay arrears(拖欠,滞付) of room rent? The author replied: I will pay you as soon as I receive the check that the publisher will send me if he accepts the novel that I am about to start writing...

  • 读书会使大脑发生生理变化

    14-01-05 据英国《独立报》网站12月29日报道,一项最新研究结果显示,读完一本扣人心弦的小说之后,人的大脑会发生实际的、可监测的积极生理变化,并且这一变化会持续至少5天。 Being pulled into the world of a gripping(扣人心弦的) novel can trigger actual, measurable...

  • 美国玛德琳·米勒获2012橘子小说奖

    12-05-31 Debut US novelist Madeline Miller has won the 2012 Orange Prize for Fiction with The Song of Achilles, a story of same-sex romance set in the Greek age of heroes. 新出道的美国小说家玛德琳米勒凭作品《阿基里斯之歌》获得2012年橘子小说奖,该著讲述的是罗...

  • pretend-to-be-busy tribe 装忙族

    10-11-02 不说了,我忒忙,这是电影《夜店》里高警官的口头禅,身边,更多的白领们也将这句话挂在嘴边,不管是真忙还是假忙,彼此一见面,开口就叹最近特别忙。由此便催生了这样一个新的群族装忙族。 They are invariably white-collar workers. Instead of hello, they greet e...

  • JK罗琳可能十年后动笔写《哈利·波特8》

    10-04-10 《哈利波特》系列小说的作者JK罗琳近日首次松口,暗示可能会为该系列撰写第八个故事,但书中主人公可能不再是小巫师哈利。 JK Rowling may give in to temptation and write an eighth Harry Potter book. Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling has strongly hinted for t...

  • 历史上的今天:2月19日

    10-02-22 Carson McCullers, Carl Van Vechten, photographer, July 31, 1959. Creative Americans: Portraits(画像,肖像) by Van Vechten, 1932-1964 Novelist Carson McCullers, noted for her exploration of the dilemmas of modern American life in the context of(在...

  • 《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》的作者计划新创作

    09-11-02 Author Yann Martel is to follow his Booker Prize-winning novel Life of Pi with another story focusing on animals. 布克小说奖获奖作品《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》的作者Yann Martel将要撰写下一步以动物为主题的小说。 Beatrice and Virgil will be Yann Martel\'s th...

  • Brown book breaks record in hours Brown新小说打破销售记录

    09-09-17 Dan Brown's follow-up to the Da Vinci Code has sold more copies in its first 36 hours of UK release than any other adult hardback novel, say publishers. 出版商称,Dan Brown的《达芬奇密码》续集在英国发行36小时之后销量就远超任何其他精装本小说。 The Lo...