• The Godfather 教父 Chapter 14

    22-09-14 The Don was a real man at the age of twelve. Short, dark, slender, living in the strange Moorish-looking village of Corleone in Sicily, he had been born Vito Andolini, but when strange men came to kill the son of the man they had murdered, his mothe...

  • 来自军事术语的常用缩略语

    22-08-04 1. AWOL AWOL是Absence Without Official Leave的缩写。 起源于美国的南北战争,指无故缺席、擅离职守,也就是我们常说的不告而别、借口缺席会议、翘课翘班等。注意:此次leave是许可的意思,不是离开。 例句:Daniel didnt make a call sick, but he was AWOL. 丹尼尔...

  • 2025日本世博会吉祥物发布

    22-03-25 3月22日,2025年日本世界博览会协会举行记者招待会,确认了吉祥物最终形象。该吉祥物的形象一经发布,不少日本网友直呼心态崩了。 今年3月,该协会公布了2025年大阪世博会官方吉祥物的三个最终候选作品,并开始公开征求意见。 Its easy to assume that this would be a...

  • ban 封杀

    21-11-19 封杀,原指体育运动中的一种攻守行为,后比喻(尤指官方)用封禁或封锁的办法,使事物在某一领域不能存在(an official order that prevents something from happening)。 封杀现在常用在娱乐界和体育界,指禁止在媒体上露面(prohibit someone from appearing in the...

  • 下马威

    21-11-19 下马威,原指官吏初到任时对下属显示的威风(severity shown by an official on assuming office),后泛指一开始就向对方显示自己的威力(head-on blow at the first encounter)。 常用表达给对手一个下马威,英文可以翻译为prevail over the opponent from the very...

  • 北京环球度假区9月1日正式开启试运行

    21-08-26 随着为期三个月的内部压力测试工作临近尾声,北京环球度假区宣布将于9月1日正式开启试运行。 Universal Beijing Resort will be open to invited guests only during the trial operation, including selected resort partners and a limited number of winners in off...

  • national reading campaign 全民阅读

    21-03-21 中宣部办公厅近日印发《关于做好2021年全民阅读工作的通知》。通知指出,2021年将紧紧围绕庆祝建党100周年,在广大群众中深入做好党史、新中国史、改革开放史、社会主义发展史等重点出版物阅读推广。 China will launch a national reading campaign for 2021, accordi...