• 澳门双胞胎熊猫幼仔庆祝一岁生日

    17-06-26 Two panda cubs in Chinas Macao Special Administrative Region celebrated their first birthday Sunday when they turned one year old. 两只大熊猫幼仔在澳门特别行政区庆祝其一岁生日。 This is also the first time they have met the public together with thei...

  • 漫画家冒称功夫熊猫原创者被判刑

    17-05-05 An amateur cartoonist who falsely claimed to be the creator of Kung Fu Panda has been sentenced to two years in prison for fraud, according to a Guardian report. 《卫报》报道,一位业余漫画家冒称自己是功夫熊猫的创造者被法院以欺诈罪判有期徒刑两年。 Ja...

  • 中国建造熊猫主题图书馆

    17-04-19 Construction of a panda-themed library started Tuesday in southwest Chinas Sichuan Province, home of the endangered bears. 熊猫主题图书馆的建设工作已于本周二在中国四川省展开。 The library, located at the Chengdu Panda Road Primary School in the prov...

  • 两只大熊猫抵达荷兰

    17-04-13 Wu Wen and Xing Ya, two Chinese giant pandas arrived on Wednesday evening at Schiphol airport in Amsterdam for a 15-year stay in a Dutch zoo. 当地时间周三晚,两只大熊猫Wu Wen和Xing Ya抵达阿姆斯特丹史基浦机场,这两只熊猫将在荷兰某动物园生活15年。 The...

  • 愤怒熊猫成日本职场女性新宠

    17-03-20 Its a situation that most stressed office workers can all relate to: Long commutes, odd co-workers and a never-ending task list. 这是大多数压力重重的白领所面临的现状:长途通勤、性情古怪的同事和永远做不完的工作。 But on this occasion, its not your av...

  • 首部IMAX 3D熊猫纪录片在中国开拍

    17-01-11 Panda lovers can expect more spectacular views of the bear in cinemas as the first IMAX 3D panda documentary began filming on Tuesday in southwest Chinas Sichuan Province. 首部IMAX 3D版熊猫纪录片本周二在中国四川省开机拍摄,熊猫爱好者们将在电影院中看...

  • 大熊猫已脱离“濒危物种”名单

    16-09-19 The giant panda is no longer an endangered species, following decades of work by conservationists to save it. 经过动物保护工作者几十年的努力,大熊猫不再是濒危物种了。 The official status of the much-loved animal has been changed from endangered to v...

  • 一对熊猫幼仔七夕出生

    16-08-10 Panda twins were born in the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in southwest Chinas Sichuan Province on Tuesday. 本周二,一对熊猫幼仔在成都大熊猫繁育研究基地出生。 The mother, Chenggong, gave birth to a male and a female cub around 1:34 a...

  • be weaned from milk 断奶

    16-07-31 The worlds only surviving panda triplets, who were born on July 29, 2014 in Guangzhou, have been weaned from milk and got the ability for independent living. 2014年7月29日出生于广州的全球唯一存活的大熊猫三胞胎日前顺利断奶,具备独立生活的能力。 断奶...

  • 大熊猫雅莉生下双胞胎幼仔

    16-06-21 A giant panda gave birth to twins on Monday in Chengdu City, capital of southwest Chinas Sichuan Province, the first twins this year anywhere in the world, according to the breeding base. 本周一,四川省会成都一处熊猫养殖基地,一只大熊猫产下两只幼仔...