• 两只大熊猫安家中国吉林省

    15-06-18 A Siberian tiger breeding base in northeast China's Jilin Province will welcome two giant pandas on July 1, according to local forestry authorities. 中国东北吉林省当地林业部门表示,一处东北虎繁殖基地将于7月1日迎来两只大熊猫。 The pair, an eight-year...

  • “艺术大熊猫”展在柏林开幕

    15-05-22 A panda sculpture show named Heart Panda has been unveiled to the public at the Gardens of the World park in Berlin, Germany, on May 20, 2015. 2015年5月20日,一场名为艺术大熊猫的熊猫雕塑展在德国柏林世界花园向公众开放。 Forty-three panda sculptures w...

  • 中国为35岁大熊猫巴斯举行生日庆祝会

    15-05-22 China on Friday kicked off a host of birthday celebrations for aging female panda Basi, who will turn 35 years old in November, the age-equivalent of a 100-year-old human. 本周五,中国开始为年迈的雌性熊猫巴斯举行一系列的生日庆祝会。今年11月巴斯将35...

  • 世界唯一是三胞胎大熊猫举行百岁庆祝

    14-11-06 The world's only giant panda triplets are celebrating their 100th day of life, which is a traditional celebration for new-borns in China. 世界上唯一一例三胞胎大熊猫正举行百岁庆祝,百岁是中国庆祝新生儿诞生的传统习俗。 Each of the triplets weighs more...

  • 成都一只大熊猫为改善生活质量伪装怀孕

    14-08-29 A giant panda slated to be the star of the first-ever live broadcast of the birth of panda cubs has lost the role -- after it was discovered the bear is not pregnant after all, Chinese state media reported. 一只大熊猫按计划本能成为第一个被直播生产幼...

  • 熊猫狗在中国十分流行

    14-05-16 It's panda-monium in pet shops in China as dogs that look like the country's unique and rare bears become all the rage. 中国的宠物商店里出现了《魔豆传奇》的主人公!事实上,这是一种酷似国宝大熊猫的狗,最近,这种熊猫狗十分流行。 These dogs that look l...

  • 美动物园搞错熊猫性别长达3年

    13-12-20 Atlanta Zoo officials said on Friday that twin giant panda cubs, the first to be born and survive in the United States, have both turned out to be female. 美国亚特兰大动物园12月13日发布声明,承认搞错了3只熊猫宝宝美轮、美奂和阿宝的性别。 Giant Panda...

  • 东京动物园出生的大熊猫幼仔死亡

    12-07-11 A baby giant panda born at a zoo in Tokyo last week has died, probably from pneumonia, zookeepers have said. 上周在东京某动物园出生的大熊猫幼仔已经死亡,饲养员称可能是死于肺炎。 Shin Shin with her baby just days after keepers realised she was pregna...

  • 大熊猫需要生活在原始森林中

    11-01-12 The results of a study recently published in the journal Biology Letters indicate that giant pandas need old-growth forests as much as bamboo forests. This work, which was completed through the collaborative(合作的) efforts of scientists from the...

  • 中国大熊猫幼崽林萍在泰国喜庆周岁生日

    10-05-31 Riot-stricken Thailand had something to smile about on Thursday as the nation's only panda cub, who enjoys a cult-like following across the kingdom, celebrated her first birthday in style. 近来受暴乱重创的泰国在本周四终于有了件让人高兴的事,该国唯一...