• 柏林动物园将有熊猫幼仔降生

    19-08-15 Zoo Berlin, dubbed the most species-rich zoo worldwide, is getting ready to welcome one or two newborn panda cubs. 柏林动物园,号称世界上物种最丰富的动物园,正准备迎接一或两只熊猫幼仔的降生。 The panda couple, Meng Meng and Jiao Qing, sent by China...

  • 2020迪拜世博会中国馆将举行熊猫展

    19-08-01 A panda exhibition will be held at the China Pavilion during the Expo 2020 Dubai. 2020迪拜世博会中国馆将举行熊猫展。 The news was announced by Feng Yaoxiang, secretary general of the China Pavilions organizing committee, at a roadshow held on Tuesda...

  • 18只熊猫幼仔举行生日会

    19-07-26 Eighteen giant panda cubs born in 2018 had a birthday party Thursday in Shenshuping base in Wolong National Nature Reserve, southwest Chinas Sichuan Province. 本周四,四川卧龙国家自然保护区神树坪基地,18只2018年出生的大熊猫幼仔举行了一个生日会。 All...

  • 世界最重双胞胎熊猫幼仔成都出生

    19-07-09 Weighing over 200 grams each, a set of twin pandas were born in Chengdu, capital of southwest Chinas Sichuan Province, local authorities said Monday. 两只双胞胎熊猫幼仔在成都大熊猫繁育基地出生,每只幼仔重量超过200克。 The male and female cubs are be...

  • 世界最小的大熊猫幼仔在成都出生

    19-06-14 A female giant panda cub weighing 42.8 grams, about the weight of an average chicken egg and the worlds lightest ever, was born in Chengdu, capital of southwest Chinas Sichuan Province, local authorities said Thursday. 一只重42.8克的雌性大熊猫幼仔在...

  • 旅美大熊猫白云和小礼物现已回国

    19-05-17 Two giant pandas have returned to China after staying in the United States for years. 两只旅居美国多年的大熊猫白云和小礼物现已回国。 Twenty-seven-year-old female giant panda Bai Yun and her son, six-year-old Xiao Liwu, arrived in southwest Chinas Si...

  • 大熊猫“如意”“丁丁”启程前往俄罗斯

    19-04-30 Chinese researchers held a send-off ceremony for a pair of giant pandas who are to depart for Moscow on Monday for a 15-year collaborative research. 中国研究人员周一为一对即将旅居莫斯科的大熊猫举行了一个欢送仪式,它们将在莫斯科进行一场为期15年的合作...

  • 大熊猫园园将旅居奥地利

    19-04-16 A giant panda will leave for Austria for a four-year collaborative research project, a panda research base in southwest Chinas Sichuan Province said Monday. 四川大熊猫繁育研究基地周一表示,一只大熊猫将前往奥地利进行一场为期思念的合作研究计划。 Yuany...

  • 丹麦女王为熊猫馆剪彩

    19-04-11 Danish Queen Margrethe II officially opened the Panda House at Copenhagen Zoo on Wednesday. 丹麦女王玛格丽特二世周三正式为哥本哈根动物园熊猫馆剪彩。 Queen Margrethe II, Crown Princess of Denmark Mary Elizabeth, Danish minister of culture Mette Bock,...

  • 日本希望熊猫香香延期归国

    19-01-11 The giant panda Xiang Xiang, who lives at Ueno Zoo in Tokyo, is due to move to China when she turns two years old in June. 住在日本上野公园的大熊猫香香将于今年6月2岁之时回国。 According to a statement by Tokyo Governor Liliko Ochi on Thursday, the J...