• 曼城公开为大熊猫征名

    18-12-17 The Manchester City Football Club has launched a new online campaign, calling on internet users in China to choose a new name for a giant panda the English Premier League club recently adopted in Chengdu, reports the Chengdu Commercial Daily. 曼彻斯...

  • 奥地利出生的双胞胎熊猫回国

    18-12-03 Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen visited the panda twins, Fu Feng and Fu Ban, at Zoo Vienna on Saturday to say goodbye as the pandas will return to Sichuan province, the hometown of giant pandas in China on Sunday. 奥地利总统亚历山大范德...

  • 海南首批大熊猫向公众亮相

    18-11-26 Two male giant pandas met with the public for the first time in Haikou, capital of Chinas southernmost province of Hainan Sunday. 两只雄性大熊猫周日首次在海南海口向公众亮相。 The two panda brothers, named Gong Gong and Shun Shun, both 5 years old, a...

  • 大熊猫高高旅居美国15年后回国

    18-11-02 A giant panda named Gao Gao has returned to Sichuan Province after a 15-year stay in the United States. 大熊猫高高旅居美国15年之后,现已返回四川...

  • 熊猫金币在上海黄金交易所挂牌

    18-09-14 Chinas gold panda coins made an official listing on the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) on Wednesday, reports the China News Service. 中国熊猫金币周三在上海黄金交易所正式挂牌。 First issued by the Peoples Republic of China in 1982, the Chinese Gold Pan...

  • 日本出生大熊猫幼仔首次亮相

    18-09-13 A female giant panda cub born at a zoo in Japan will make her first public appearance Thursday at the Japanese Zoo. 一只在日本动物园出生的雌性熊猫幼仔周四将首次亮相。 The cub was born to a 17-year-old giant panda named Rauhin at the Adventure World...

  • 法国为大熊猫圆梦庆祝第一个生日

    18-08-06 Yuan Meng, Frances first ever giant panda cub, celebrated on Saturday its first anniversary at Beauval zoo in central France. 法国首只大熊猫宝宝圆梦周六在博瓦尔动物园庆祝第一个生日。 Cake, posters, mascots and even books and CDs on the one-year-old...

  • 大熊猫香香东京庆祝一岁生日

    18-06-13 Giant panda cub Xiang Xiang celebrated her first birthday Tuesday at Ueno zoo in Tokyo. 大熊猫幼仔香香周二在东京上野动物园庆祝一岁生日。 A year ago to the day, Xiang Xiang was born through natural conceptual to her parents Fairy and Billy (Japanese...

  • 2018首对雌雄熊猫双胞胎出生

    18-06-06 The first male-female panda twins of this year were born in southwest Chinas Sichuan Province Tuesday morning. 2018年第一对雌雄熊猫双胞胎周二上午在四川出生。 Panda Ya Yun gave birth to the twins at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding....

  • 大熊猫到四川某村“闲逛”

    18-06-01 A giant panda has been caught casually wandering around a village in southwest Chinas Sichuan Province, authorities have said. 一只大熊猫在四川省某村庄附近闲逛时被村民发现。 The panda was spotted in Jinbo Village in Wenchuan County on Thursday morni...