• 20件在公共场合令情侣难堪的事 上

    16-09-18 1. Arguing Whether youre the one raising your voice and making angry hand gestures (Courtney Cox style) or on the receiving end (Johnny McDaid), having a row where others can see or hear us, is high on most peoples Please No list. 2. Spilling secret...

  • 越来越多的女性使用约会软件找男人做家务

    16-07-25 Women using the Tinder dating app are getting what they want from men - and its not necessarily fancy dinners or one-night stands. 使用约会软件Tinder的女性们现在从男性那儿得到她们想要的东西,而这并不一定是丰盛的晚餐或一夜情。 Rather than seeking the...

  • 匹配度比较高的星座 下

    16-05-02 8. Cancer and Pisces Both water signs - these two have a natural spiritual connection. The Pisces will easily ensure harmony, and these signs are highly intuitive about each other. Theyre both deeply sentimental and tender, with a focus on nurturing...

  • 检测配偶是否有“偷吃”行为的高科技床垫

    16-05-02 From helping to relieve backache to regulating temperatures between the sheets and helping to prevent snoring, mattresses have become seriously high-tech these days. 如今的床垫也纷纷采用了高科技,有的可以调节床单的温度来缓解背痛,有的能帮助缓解睡觉...

  • 圣诞礼物暴露潜意识下的选择

    15-12-27 They say a picture paints a thousand words - and the same applies to gifts. As you shop for Christmas presents for your partner, unconscious feelings and motivations drive your choices. 俗话说,一幅画胜过千言万语。礼物亦然。你为另一半挑选的圣诞礼物...

  • 要想婚姻变得稳固 多说“谢谢你”

    15-10-28 Researchers say there's one simple way to fix your marriage; say 'thank you' to your partner. 研究人员指出,要想使婚姻关系变得稳固,最简单的一个方法就是对伴侣说谢谢你。 A new study has found gratitude and believing that your partner values you, dire...

  • 食虫蝙蝠与猪笼草相生相利

    15-07-10 In Borneo, some insectivorous bats have developed a rather intriguing relationship with carnivorous pitcher plants. The plants offer the bats a relatively cool place to roost, free of parasites and competition from other bats. In return, the bats ke...

  • 配偶能有所改变 人们就更容易戒掉坏习惯

    15-02-12 Couples who decide to get healthy together are more likely to be successful, suggests a new study. 一项新研究显示,决心共同为健康而努力的夫妻,成功的可能性更大。 Researchers found people are more successful in taking up healthy habits if their partn...

  • 如何走出分手阴影

    15-01-24 If you find yourself suddenly alone, don't despair. Relationship expert and self help guru Dr Pam Spurr gives her tips for healing the heartache... 如果你突然觉得孤独,不要失望,恋爱专家和自助专家帕姆斯普尔博士给出了治疗心痛的意见: 1. Don't blame y...

  • 人们选择伴侣时类似于选择宠物狗

    15-01-24 A leading love expert has suggested there are parallels between picking the perfect partner and the way you choose your dog. 一位著名的爱情专家认为,人们在选择最佳伴侣时有点类似于选择宠物狗。 Author and relationship coach Dr Annie Kaszina Ph.D - who...