• 科学家找到严重低血糖的原因

    11-10-09 Cambridge scientists have identified the cause of a rare, life-threatening form of hypoglycaemia(低血糖) . Their findings, which have the potential to lead to pharmaceutical treatments for the disorder, were published October 7, in the journal Sci...

  • 畜牧业对环境与人体皆有一定危害

    11-09-28 Emissions from livestock farms cause asthma(哮喘) and COPD patients living nearby to experience more exacerbations(发作,恶化) , according to research presented at the European Respiratory Society's Annual Congress in Amsterdam. Also, chances of...

  • 哮喘病人极少可能死于猪流感

    11-09-27 People with asthma(哮喘) who are admitted to hospital with pandemic influenza H1N1 (swine flu) are half as likely to die or require intensive care than those without asthma, according to new research. The study, which is being presented at the Eur...

  • 电流刺激大脑能提高学习速度

    11-09-20 Electrically stimulating the brain can help to speed up the process of learning, scientists have shown. 科学家透露,利用电流刺激大脑能加速学习过程。 The brain can change its structure in response to experience and practice Applying a small current t...

  • 土壤中发现可杀灭癌细胞的细菌

    11-09-06 A bacterial strain that specifically targets tumours could soon be used as a vehicle to deliver drugs in frontline cancer therapy. The strain is expected to be tested in cancer patients in 2013 says a scientist at the Society for General Microbiolog...

  • 小分子研究将促进癌症治疗

    11-08-23 Patients suffering from an aggressive brain cancer will benefit from the results of a University of Illinois study that could advance the development of targeted gene therapies and improve prognosis. We have advanced the understanding of the role of...

  • 医院治疗甲状腺癌的方法各不相同

    11-08-17 Where thyroid(甲状腺) cancer patients go for care plays a large role in whether they receive radioactive iodine(碘) treatment, a new study from the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center finds. While the size and severity of the tumo...

  • 音乐能减少癌症病人的焦虑情绪

    11-08-11 Cancer patients may benefit from sessions with trained music therapists or from listening to music. A new Cochrane systematic review shows using music can reduce anxiety in cancer patients, and may also have positive effects on mood, pain and qualit...

  • 研究人员发现控制癌细胞生长的蛋白质

    11-07-29 According to the Canadian Cancer Society, one in four Canadians will die of cancer. This year alone, the disease will kill an estimated 75,000 people. With incidence rates on the rise, more cancer patients are facing grave prognoses(预测) . Fortun...

  • 已婚男人寻求心脏病治疗更快

    11-07-19 Men who are married or in common-law relationships seek medical care sooner for heart attacks compared with single, divorced or widowed men, found a new study in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) (pre-embargo link only) http://www.cmaj.ca/...