• 科学家利用糖类抑制食管癌

    12-01-16 Scientists working at the Medical Research Council have identified changes in the patterns of sugar molecules that line pre-cancerous cells in the esophagus(食管) , a condition called Barrett's dysplasia(发育不良) , making it much easier to dete...

  • B细胞受体抑制物可缓解淋巴球性白血病

    11-12-12 A new, targeted approach to treating chronic lymphocytic leukemia(淋巴球性白血病) has produced durable remissions in a Phase I/II clinical trial for patients with relapsed or resistant disease, investigators report at the 53rd Annual Meeting of th...

  • 艾滋病人也可接受肾脏、胰腺移植手术

    11-12-07 Mayo Clinic in Florida is now offering kidney and pancreas(胰腺) transplants to HIV positive patients with advanced kidney disease and diabetes. Evidence is now solid that HIV-positive patients have the same favorable outcome in terms of patient a...

  • 英国艾滋病患者可做外科医生或牙医

    11-12-03 HIV sufferers could soon be able to work as surgeons or dentists. 英国的艾滋病病毒感染者不久后有望从事外科医生或牙医的工作。 The Department of Health wants to lift the current ban because it claims any risk to patients is very low. Health workers wh...

  • 限制热量饮食对肥胖糖尿病病人有益

    11-11-29 A low-calorie diet eliminates insulin(胰岛素) dependence and leads to improved heart function in obese patients with type 2 diabetes, according to a study presented November 28 at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RS...

  • 新式仪器监控糖尿病人 省时省力

    11-11-20 In the fast-paced world of health care, doctors are often pressed for time during patient visits. Researchers at the University of Missouri developed a tool that allows doctors to view electronic information about patients' health conditions related...

  • Very Pleased to Meet You 很高兴认识你

    11-11-09 During World War II, a lot of young women in Britain were in the army. Joan Phillips was one of them. She worked in a big camp, and of course met a lot of men, officers and soldiers. One evening she met Captain Humphreys at a dance. He said to her,...

  • 压力会使血管炎患者频发各种疾病

    11-11-08 In patients with a devastating form of vasculitis(血管炎) who are in remission(缓解,宽恕) , stress can be associated with a greater likelihood of the disease flaring, according to a new study by investigators at Hospital for Special Surgery (HS...

  • 抗血栓药物不会造成癌前病变切除术大出血

    11-11-02 Patients with recent use of aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDS非甾体抗炎药 ), or anti-clotting drugs such as clopidogreal (Plavix) do not appear to have an increased risk of bleeding during or after removal of precancerous(癌症...

  • 某些人服用氯吡格雷容易引发血栓

    11-10-26 Patients with certain genes or specific factors related to use of the anti-clotting drug clopidogrel are more likely to experience a blood clot within a coronary(冠状的) stent shortly after placement, according to a study in the October 26 issue o...