• hongbao stipulation 红包协议

    13-02-18 Doctors and patients will be required to sign an agreement before treatment in which the doctor vows he or she will not ask for money, and the patient vows he or she will not attempt to hand over bribe money. 医患双方须在就诊前签署协议,医生保证不向...

  • 类固醇注射不会显著改善肘部发炎症状

    13-02-06 Among patients with chronic unilateral(单边的) lateral epicondylalgia (tennis elbow), a single injection of corticosteroid(皮质类固醇) medication was associated with poorer outcomes after one year and higher recurrence rates compared with placeb...

  • 心肺疾病患者出院需慎重

    13-01-23 Following hospitalization for heart attacks, heart failure, or pneumonia(肺炎) , patients are at high risk of being readmitted(再次入院) for a broad spectrum of medical conditions in the month following hospital discharge, research at Yale Schoo...

  • 帕金森症治疗方法或将有突破

    13-01-15 Parkinson's experts across the world have been reporting a remarkable phenomenon -- many patients treated with drugs to increase the activity of dopamine(多巴胺) in the brain as a therapy for motor symptoms such as tremors and muscle rigidity are...

  • 眼部扫描可检测多发性硬化病情

    12-12-26 A simple eye test may offer a fast and easy way to monitor patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), medical experts say in the journal Neurology. 医学专家发表在《Neurology》中的文章称,一个简单的眼部测试即可快速检测多发性硬化症病人的状况。 Optical Coh...

  • 新的细胞分裂形式被发现

    12-12-18 Researchers at the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center have discovered a new form of cell division in human cells. They believe it serves as a natural back-up mechanism during faulty cell division, preventing some cells from going down a p...

  • 新技术使癌症早期诊断成为可能

    12-12-18 Finding ways to diagnose cancer earlier could greatly improve the chances of survival for many patients. One way to do this is to look for specific proteins secreted(分泌) by cancer cells, which circulate in the bloodstream. However, the quantity...

  • 一种新药可降低骨髓移植手术的副作用

    12-12-10 A new class of drugs reduced the risk of patients contracting a serious and often deadly side effect of lifesaving bone marrow transplant treatments, according to a study from researchers at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center. Th...

  • 呼吸检测法可检测肠癌

    12-12-05 Scientists say they have developed a breath-test that can accurately tell if a person has bowel cancer. 科学家发明了一种呼吸检测法,能精确地检测出一个人是否患肠癌。 The test, which looks for exhaled chemicals linked to tumour activity, was able to i...

  • 健康的饮食可减少心脏病患者发病几率

    12-12-05 A heart-healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables and fish significantly reduces the chance of a second heart attack and stroke in people with cardiovascular disease, McMaster University researchers have found. A five-year study of almost 32,000 patie...